The show was pretty bad, it'll be an very big surprise if it gets greenlit for another season. Fans don't like it, the Riverdale fans don't seem to like it either. About all anyone can agree is that they like Lance Reddick.
Huge let down. There seems to be no originality or customer input in the new xbox, rather everything seems really inconvenient. You NEED a kinect, you NEED to install your games and can't play them elsewhere. You can't play 360 games and can't import XBLA games!? only 500gb hard drive for much larger games. Genuinely a huge let down.
@VastGameMaster @DeviantMonster well now I just feel terrible. I am the worst kind of person, thank you I've learned now. Let's have a quick whip-around and help em out eh? :D
Sit down, shut up, take what you're given, we know best, you know nothing, let's not make anything difficult, we own everything, don't rock the boat, we know all our customers, we give all the innovation you need, no one can compete, we're the best. Just leave it to 'Management'
DeviantMonster's comments