Today i was going to play a bit of Fahrenheit when my controller decided to break, since it was a used controller which came with the console i'm not that fussed. There going cheap now anyway i can pick up one for about £9.99 in some places. I was really enjoying Fahrenheit too, F****** hell i played it a couple of years ago and i still love it.
I also made a new banner, it's from Final Fantasy all i did was add some effects and stuff, pretty sexy :D I then did a review for Siren Blood Curse, which is an awesome game and its pretty scary too, i've never been that scared of a game in a long time Dead Space was pretty scary but there was never any 'proper' danger and loads of ammo didn't help too. Resident Evil 5 wasn't even scary, a real shame :(I might go and play The Force Unleashed tonight, i really need to play it again for the trophies i'm gonna hate holocron collecting since i allready got them all on my previous playthrough :(
Sundays are boring . . .