Haven't played at all today. Didn't even try to ask my dad if I could play Xbox. He woulda just ignored me. I noticed that the GHWT and the Gears of War 2 reviews are up. GHWT, I'm happy with it, that it got under RB2. Owned. :) Gears 2 though? Only 9.0. I was hoping at least 9.5. Expectations are very high with that game.
Oh well. At least next time I play Fable 2 I'll have loads of money. I'll move my wife and 2 kids there, and maybe they'll shut up about the house being too small. Lol.
Oh and, I got the AC/DC Live Rockband game. I might play it soon. Can't wait. I wanna sing Highway to Hell. :) I also heard about the new Rockband Beatles game. It's a game like rockband, uses same instruments and made by same company, but it's a different retail game with 100 gamerscore that you can get in it! I can't wait, the beatles are really awesome.
Real Life
Still haven't got the history test back! Meh. Maybe tomorow. If I get over 90 I get 10 dollars. That's a bet I made. I hope I'll get 100, though I probably won't.
Got kicked out of math today. :( It sucks. Teacher was talking about TVs and I said I don't have a TV, and he said get out. Lol. I was soooo bored. It's so easy. I should be doing 9th grade math. Seriously, in grade 8 we should be doing algebra and stuff not order of operations and percents. I've got over 90 in all my math tests this year, and I've had 4. I also got one 100% on a math test!
Also, there's this one girl called Meghan. I liked her last year. She's REALLY nice and reallllyyy pretty. :) I always tap her ass for fun when I walk past her. But meh, I guess she didn't like it lol. Because I did it today twice, and she got REALLY mad. She said she was going to tell Mr Delage right now, but there was this random teacher walking past and said is there a problem, and meghan said yeah he grabbed my butt. I thought she would say, "no, nothing". She told on me. :(
The teacher made me admit I did it and then I had to say sorry. I love the girl though she owns. :)
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