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Future plans about me, my videos(SC and MK), and my games

Ok, so I finished school last month since I'm in college. I recently appilied for a Teaching Assistant position at my college and was accepted to work for them in the Fall. I'm still waiting to see if I could work for them during the summer which would fill my time up. My brother and I both enroll to a summer class on financialing on Sundays so its going to fill up some time as well.

As for games, I recently been playing StarCraft, Sim City 4, and Oblivion. I'm getting closer to beating Oblivion(which I already put over 110 hours into the game already) and maybe I should since its taking up space in my computer. I also need to finish Bully(which I stop playing) since I'm in the last chapter of the game(I stop playing because I was in school during the Spring) and my brother since he's getting closer to finishing school, will be able to play Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Quest VIII, Fable

I hope to write a review for Bully, Oblivion, and possbly Sim City 4(if I'm in the mood) since I haven't wrote a review in a long time. I'm also having some trouble getting my ideas to gether too which is preventing me from writing them in a long time. My brother hopes to write a review for Devil May Cry 3 since we promise to write one a while ago but never had the time.

As my my videos, I plan to finish uploading the rest of the StarCraft speed runs and maybe after that, the Broodwar ones. I know haven't been uploading any Mortal Kombat videos of late but I am definately not done uploading hem as of now. I plan to upload some Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance endings as well as some fatality videos as I did in the past after I finsih the StarCraft videos. For a rough date, I say I'll be uploading Mortal Kombat videos in July.