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Saw Indiana Jones and Have Some Gaming Updates

Yesterday, I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The movie was good but it had a different Indiana Jones feel to it. It felt a little more exagerated and more unrealistic than the other ones and the movie didn't have a stong meaning like the other movies. It's not better than the first or third movies but feels somewhat along the lines of the second one but less darker although the overall plot of the movie is similar to the first one. I would recommend people to see this movie but not to expect too much from it.

As for video gaming. I got Diablo Battlechest for my birthday and it contains Diablo, Diablo 2, and Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. So right now I'm playing Diablo 2 in place of Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles since I just finished Oblvion after playing it for over 2 years. I also just got back into playing WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos in which I'm a game in it called DoTA which is really addictive.

So right now I'm trying to limit how much games I'm playing since I've been playing qite a bit. I need to get into the routine of getting active in gamespot so I can visit blogs while getting back to studying and excerising since I haven't been doing it for quite a while. I also need to do some cleaning to reorganize my papers while looking for a job for which I've applied to several places already. Maybe I need to try harder or look at more places since no one has retured any information.