The World According to Devvy
by Devvy01 on Comments
New Job Well I started my new job today after 7 weeks off work looking after my children. Got my own office, laptop, phone etc and ready to hit the customers already. Don't have a view of the river but oh well, I can still see it from the board room. I'm taking my mascot to work as well so I've got a little bit of home with me... by the way its Wile E Coyote, a little toy picked up from Mcdonalds a while back. My darling daughter She's got to go into hospital next week to have eye surgeory to correct her lazy eye. I know its the best thing for her, but as a dad you always worry about your family being in hospital. Its just a day operation so we can bring her home and give her lots of icecream. :) The PS3 Vs Wii What to do???? I was looking at a PS3, but I want to play my old ps2 games so until they bring out the next 80gb version over here. I hav to wait, BUT my wife wants the Wii and from all accounts they've got a better game base and the Fit. What do people think honestly? I don't know which way to go.... AMD vs Intel Looking a building a new compy and with this contest always hotly contested its hard to decide. I've always been a AMD person and have never had a stability problems using AMD with nvidia cards. I was thinkin about the new 9800 nvidia card and the AMD quad 2.4ghz.. What do the PC guru's out there think? The Trip Its exactly12 weeks to my big holiday and I've finally got the job and they know about my little 8 week trip so everything's falling into place. I've just got to sort out the card hire in Ireland. so far about 700 pounds for 4 weeks.. for a ford mondeo. Then we'll be set.. Might see some of you around if your in ireland, england, scotland, france.. I'll keep you posted. Lego Death Star You may of noticed I'm the leader of the Lego union so with that I thought I'd just let you know I won a Lego Death Star off ebay for $316 coming from somewhere in America. Get that, its cheaper to buy it there than here in Australia. The lowest I see it in the shops was $525. Stamp Collection Anyone fancy swapping australia stamps???? I've got way too many to sort so if you want some, PM me, I'll sort somthing out. Posting would be just like posting a letter to somewhere in the world .. anyway my lappy's getting hot in my lap so I'm signing off and see you around the unions... Cheers Devvy