me gusta mucho por que es el primer juego que veo con una exelente batalla naval realista completa e intensa con el clima y todo no es solo paseo en bote es la puerta technologica a un serie de futuros juego con una intecidad epica
you are soo funny defent wow know wow need releas new content every year and cheap price gift pet and dstroy the teward for the content remeber a lot of people have one year of sub only for the diablo 3 a blizzard trip
this is great news the truth so people can explore the rich content that is to say leviar then expand more into the game with micro purchases is something that relieves quite
@kirby-92 you have all that but if you no complete al class stry you no gona see the rpg spoler : the begin of the jedi kingth stry in tari is the last of the imperial agent in taris
@decoy1978 yea i play wow all the year because they give my free month for nothing of course a game have player in that way diablo for free only need pay one year of wow of course the real wow is death but your fantasy wow is alive in your mind
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