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Dgalmun's rant part 1

This what annoys me a lot, since my friend is coming from Italy he told me that the American air line were horrible and it took him forever until he got to Chicago, And yes this happened yesterday at midnight I had to wait at 2:00 at the morning. These services are so horrible that the other airlines laugh at them (I'm not sure if it's true though), but still they suck so hard that one time they lost my luggage and I don't know what happened and I want to know still. And that was 4 years ago. Another one was from the blog I posted about me in Chicago about they keep delaying the flights until night.

Another one was when I was a kid and this woman told me to be quiet because I was asking her some question about the flight landing, and when that happened I told my parents and they were pissed so they asked her, and her response? This is her response "I didn't tell him anything, but I was busy too" That's stupid and bull!

I hope this doesn't happen to my girl friend which may, but what my friend's problem was that the people were really upset because it got delayed 5 times.

More rants will come soon when I find some. Please share your opinions and tell me your stories.