I didn't notice enough difference in either one to say on is better then other. I guess I'm just not that observant but I think both these machines are amazing and I would buy both if I had the money. PS3 for its exclusives and Xbox 360 its exclusives. But if it came down to a game released on both systems then I would go with the 360 if the game has online play that is worth while otherwise I'd go with PS3 since I don't think it has as many exclusives as 360.
Honestly, I don't know how people try to underrate this game. The only problem with it is the translation mistakes and the spelling errors in game. Otherwise, the graphics were good, the story was captivating, and the battle system was perfect. I don't know where people get off trying to say this game isn't as great as the hype. The game lived up to the hype it created, it has spawned off a few other games and much more story behind it. Square-Enix would be incredibly short sited in not re-making the game for the PS3. The fan demand for it is ridiculous as well as responses to teasing us with that Final Fantasy 7 Tech Demo should be enough for them to at least consider the remake or at least some type of FF7 game for the PS3. I don't own a PS3 but it would make me buy one simply to play an FF7 game. Crisis Core just came out and I am almost going to by a PSP to play it.
I love Zombie games!! Resident Evil 0,1,2,3, and CV as well as the other titles were fun but they weren't as full of action as RE 4 and the upcoming 5. They were more like run around picking up items to get to the next part of the game. Left 4 Dead looks amazing and I can't wait for it to come out. I would love to get it for PC but mine is really out dated so I will settle for 360 version. I'm currently playing Deadrising and its pretty awesome so far but it doesn't feel like a real zombie game cause I'm not going for head shots and beating them with common items kills them.
DiabloRaul's comments