Well, I now have the legendary birds on my FireRed and I could transfer them. I'm sure you all have that though. I should be able to get Raiku soon, as I'm almost done with the Elite Four and on my LeafGreen, I'm getting Suicune in maybe another 2 days? If I could, I would transfer my Lugia and Ho-Oh, but I will have to find a Cube adaptor.
Already had Red and Blue remakes, and thus we then get into what would the difference be? Have a Pikachu follow you? Eh. Make the feature of a Pikachu follow you in game if you wish, that would be nice. Other then that, no, I wouldn't.
I have Torterra, Venasaur, Metagross, Uxie, Azelf, Cressela and Dialga. Plus I have more things. Also, Rhydon with Protector. I'll trade up to two or three Pokemon. Three if it's a Shamin from the actual event.
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