@Furwings: I'm really hoping Xbox can finally close that graphical gap that has persisted the last two gens. While the PS3 had a reason to be more powerful, it launched a year later and used some crazy tech that made the early half of that gen a bit rough for them, the PS4 and Xbox One comparison was inexcusable to be that much less capable.
Xbox One launched against everything that made the 360 successful. The mobile scare prompted Xbox to try and make the console more valuable by reworking it into an entertainment system instead of just a game console. The heavy emphasis on Kinect also misfired terribly and as you pointed out, the whole of the gamers seemed to have turned on Xbox after their E3 event. It has taken years for them to recuperate from that, although initially sales showed they were neck in neck with Sony.
I agree that this gen will probably be much closer. Who knows, it could be a PS3 and Xbox 360 generation all over again sales wise. Regarding games, I think we're going to get some pretty great exclusives out of Xbox next gen.
Were you around for the PS3 vs 360??? The 360 looked better in the games and has a more powerful GPU. The problem that messed up MS is that they made a mistake at the announcement at E3 where they were saying things they thought wouldn't hurt them and were they wrong. I think you will see another console war with consistent results to this gen if Sony doesn't make a mistake.
@devlin_chaos: The Xbox One X will not drop in price this Black Friday. Do not be delusional. It just came out and has been hard to come by. They will not be doing some price cut.
@donderpants: even if shares are worth more doesn't mean a company is. Let me explain...if a company has 10,000,000 shares that are worth $20 each vs a company that has 1,000,000 that are worth $30 each, the company with more shares are still worth more. This is where you hear of stock splitting and stock prices drop down but you gain more shares. So Sony has a lot more shares out there than Nintendo does. So it is a company that is worth tons more.
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