Diela / Member

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After a six-month hiatus, my website is up and functional again! Since my husband was unemployed for a year (partly by choice, the stinker) I'd had to let it lapse, but now that he's back to the salt mines, I once again have somewhere to put my digital junk drawer. Some portions still need to be rebuilt, as I'm doing a total makeover and starting from scratch, but the jewelry and crappy art will be back in no time (once I feel like dealing with all those thumbnails again). I really need to get a decent picture of myself taken again, but since I've not had a portrait done since 1986, I'm pretty sure I won't be happy with it no matter what. More snow on the roof and all that. Oh, and regarding yesterday's blog... "I'm not in Love" and "Cry" have been stuck in my head all day... "Cry" by choice, as it's darn melodic. The other is there by virtue of the ReplayTV catching Rick on "Regis and whatshername". RICK... you need to start making better choices for your live performace appearances on the talk show circuit! You sound like you're losing your voice. You had this same problem with SDAA.