Still in Houston...
by Diela on Comments
We're still hanging out here, waiting. Hubby may have also picked up an actual JOB instead of going with the self-employed thing. His former business partner was taken in by their former employer's Houston office, and hubby may be going along with that plan. Really, if I could name names without invading anyone's privacy, that last sentence would make sense. :D Anyway, our only worry is daughter's schooling. I've been holding out for so long, which is odd because I *hated* her former school's mismanagement of funding, but this school would ABSOLUTELY require putting her on a bus, which she's never done, and I'm not confident she can handle. She's a very tiny thing, and that's not just mom-fear talking. The kids in her class last year used to try and carry her around like a doll. Sigh. Anyway, I wanted to give out a semi-public THANK YOU to my friends here who sent me goodies to help me get through this stressful post-Katrina time. You know who ya are.