I've officially quit gaming as of two weeks ago so now i am also going to quit this website, i traded in all my games and have none left and don't plan to get anymore. This will be my last post on this website as well.
DietWaffle Blog
Best Games on these consoles
by DietWaffle on Comments
So there are a lot of good games and consoles out there but these are what i think are the best games on the best consoles. (I will only have stuff from consoles i've played and nothing from bad consoles like Neo Geo or virtual boy)
10. Final Fantasy
9. Kirby's adventure
8. Castlevania
7. Metroid
6. Ninja Gaiden II
5. Kid Icarus
4. Battletoads
3. Legend of Zelda
2. Megaman 5
1. Super Mario Bros 3
10. Earthbound
9. Final Fantasy III
8. Contra 3
7.Chrono Trigger
6. Super Mario world
5. Actraiser
4. Megaman X
3. Super Castlevania IV
2. Link to the past
1. Super Metroid
Sega Genesis
10. Sonic the hedgehog
9. Gunstar Heroes
8. Phantasy star IV
7. Mortal Kombat II
6. Shinobi 3: Return of the master ninja
5.Sonic the hedgehog 2
4. Ristar
3. Earthworm Jim
2. Sonic the hedgehog 3
1. Stryder
Gameboy Advance
10.Super mario advance
9. Pokemon Emerald Version
8. Golden Sun
7. Castlevania: Circle of the moon
6. Super mario world
5. Zelda: Minish Cap
4. Sonic Advance
3. Metroid Fusion
2. Pokemon Fire red version
1. Kirby's nightmare in dreamland
10. Zelda: Majora's mask
9. Banjo Kazooie
8. Golden eye 007
7. Donkey Kong 64
6. Rayman 2
5. Conkers bad fur day
4. Mario 64
3. Perfect Dark
2. Banjo Tooie
1. Ocarina of time
10. Rayman
9. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
8. Tekken 3
7. Legend of Dragoon
6.Silent hill
5. Chrono cross
4. Resident evil 2
3. Castlevania: Symphony of the night
2. Metal Gear Solid
1. Final Fantasy VII
10. Metal gear solid: twin snakes
9. Metroid prime 2: echoes
8. Sonic Adventure DX
7. Rayman 3
6.Viewtiful joe
5. Super smash bros melee
4. Super Mario Sunshine
3. Zelda: Windwaker
2. Metroid prime
1. Resident Evil 4
10. Guitar hero 2
9. Silent hill 2
8. Okami
7. Sly cooper 2
6. God of war II
5. Ratchet and Clank: up your arsenal
4. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's awakening
3. Shadow of the collosus
2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
1. Metal Gear solid 3: Snake Eater
10. Whacked
9. Wrath Unleashed
8. Halo 2
7. Tom Clanceys rainbow Six 3
6. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
5. Prince of Persia: 2 thrones
4. Splinter Cell
3. Star Wars: KOTOR
2. Ninja Gaiden
1. Halo
10. Megaman Maverick Hunter X
9. Tekken Dark Resurection
8. Wipeout
7. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
6. ratchet and Clank: Size matters
5. Patapon
4. Lumines
3. God of war: Chains of Olympus
2. Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
1. Metal Gear solid: Peace walker
XBOX 360
10. Fallout 3
9. Call of Duty 4: Modrrn Warfare
8. Castle Crashers
7. Assassins creed 2
6. Orange Box
5. Ninja Gaiden II
4. Limbo
3. Bioshock
2. Halo 3
1. Gears of war
10. Red Dead Redemption
9. Demon's souls
8. Oblivion
7. God of war 3
6. Killzone 2
5. Little big planet
4. infamous
3. Heavy Rain
2. Uncharted 2: Among thieves
1. Metal Gear solid 4: Guns of the patriots
10. Mario Galaxy
9. Metroid other M
8. Sonic and the secret rings
7. New super mario bros
6. Mario cart wii
5. Smash bros Brawl
4. No more Heroes
3. Zelda: Twilight princess
2. Metroid prime trilogy
1. Super Mario Galaxy 2
Who is gamings greatest hero?
by DietWaffle on Comments
Now we all remember gamespots greatest hero tournament thing they had a while ago, but i think that was based more on who everyone liked the most as opposed to who is the greatest hero. Now i am not just going to pick my favorite game characters on here (like Conker, Dante, or Nathan Drake) because they don't qualify well enough to be considered greatest hero. Some on here will be some of my favorites but i will only pick one depending on who dserves it the most.
here are the choices
Solid Snake
Ryu Hayabusa
Sonic the Hedgehog
Master Chief
Now don't argue because once you here my reasons you will know why these are the ones i chose
Durring the game Snake stops metal gear rex, which can launch Nukes and which means he saved the world. No matter how old he gets he is always there to fight, and is still doing more than any on else durring the game. Snake can take down (MGS4) The big four, which the first one hides from you makes it hard to see and has tentacles of steel, the second one has a grenade launcher chases you on a motorcycle and traps you in a tower while having team mates help and snake wins. The third is a giant robotic wolf who runs around in a blizzard with many weapons and team mates guess who wins it's snake. The fourth can control other people and when she controls Meryl and Johny Snake doesn't kill them because doesn't kill the innocent. No matter how beat up he gets he still keeps on going. When liquid (Revolver Ocelot) makes all their weapons useless snake still ends up winning, even though it's in a fist fight. Snake doesn't do any of this for glory either, after the war it's as if snake disappears.
Link is just a kid, but when the world is about to end whose the one person who does something about it... Link. Link started when he was seven years old, and even at that age whenever he had to do something he would. He battled a giant spider inside the Deku tree at that age, he battled a giant lizzard insde a volcano, he even went inside a giant fish just to save the king of zoras daughter. Later in the game you play as fouteen year old Link, but you don't go through all of the years in between, Link Sacrifices his childhood just so that he can save everyone else. When the world was almost edestroyed the only person that could save it was fourteen year old Link who defeated Ganondorf. Later when Skullkid almost caused armageddon... Link stopped him. Yet there is one downside to this... Every game is like a restart so only one of them actually happened.
you're probably wondering why Ryu made it on this list. well for starters like with link and snake the world would have ended without him. The archfiends are going to end the world and Ryu kills every one of them all by himself. The over powerd King of storms Volf has minions that can kill a human instantly but Ryu kills everyone of them that attacks him, and stops volf in his own arena, and then a second time. the archfiend of lightning who summons demons to destroy New York is stopped by Ryu who also gets rid of the demons and when the statue of liberty is about to destroy him, it doesn't stop Ryu. Ryu will go through anything to stop the archfiends... by himself. He stops TWO dragons at the same time using arrows, he can even defeat ninjas who appear to have automatic rocket launcher. In the end Ryu defeats ninjas, demons , and a lot of other things. He destroys the final archfiend inside of mount Fuji twice.
Sonic did what everyone else on here did, he savd the world. Eggman is persistant (and probably has a lot of spare time) but he makes so many robots, razor blade ones, knight ones, ones that shoot rockets, ones with machine guns, ect. Sonic stops them all no matter how many. Eggman is about to destroy the entire world with a water manster called chaos, Sonic defeats him by becoming super sonic, I doubt anyone else could defeat chaos. When everyone in America wants sonic arrested and it seems as if the country turned against him sonic still helps them, he even saves the president from eggman. When eggman creates a weapon so strong he blew up half the moon Sonic goes into space to stop him, and them when bio lizard attaches himself to it and starts hurdling towards the earth, guess who stops the human race from becoming extinct, Sonic.
Master Chief
Without him the covenant probably would have taken over earth. he was made especially to stop the covenant. Guess what, he does. Who can defeat hunters when marines have trouble with brutes.... master chief. Who will go inside of a parasite... Master Chief. Master chief defeats oracle who killed Johnson. He can stop Machines, Aliens, and Zombies. He just keeps on fighting. The other spartans (Halo: Reach) all died out, but chief he doesn't he takes on everything against him, and in the end he freezes himself again unti he is needed
Now i didn't write this all at once i had a lot of thinking on who to choose but it finally came to me that the winner should be.......
times affect on game series
by DietWaffle on Comments
Every game series starts out as an independant game and if the game is good enough it becomes a franchise. It turns out the more popular a franchise is the more hated it is, and it can be called "milked" or "overated" because the series goes on and on. Is time really a good thing for games? (There will be none of the same games from my last article)
The one series most people think of as overated is halo. Personally i think halo is a great series and most people hate it just to be different. Halo made the xbox what it is today back in 2001 and won game of the year, many people bought an xbox jus for halo and the xbox 360 for halo 3. There isnt much change between the original trilogy except a few new additions, but the sense of exploration as if all disapeared. Bungie is going to end the series by going back to it's roots with halo reach making the game more "sandboxy" and giving elites that feeling of difference tht was in the first one. Even though i am a fan of the series, i sadly have to say it is milked. The reasons i say this is because of halo 3: odst and halo wars. These games were unnecesary and in my opinion not even good. ODST didnt add anything good to the series it actually took away, u werent as strong as in the other games and the stroy just wasnt as good, i would give it (and its the newest one in the series) a 7/10 while all the ones before were better. I'm not a "huge" halo fan, it's good, but not the best game out there so i didnt even try halo wars being as i also dont like RTS games but since it only got a 6.5/10 it seems as though it was just made because they wanted to make money off of the halo franchise and thats the other newest halo game. I do think halo reach will be more like the original 3 and will remind me why i like halo, but until then i say time has not been good to halo.
Ninja Gaiden is another game thats been around for a while, and it's known for being hard, the first game was near impossible while the newest one sigma 2, i've beaten twice.. so the game has lost a little bit of what made it famous, but i think lowering the difficulty made it a whole lot more fun. I enjoyed ninja gaiden 2 on the xbox 360 more than the updated PS3 version because it had all the blood the series usually has and was a bit more challenging so i could play it more and get more of my moneys worth. but the original 2D ones were so hard that you could be playing these for hours doing the same part of the game over and over again and keep dying. The bigest thing that makes it hard to tell which is better the original or the new one is the fact it went from 2D to 3D, now a lot of games hav done this and thats when the franchises started to die, but ninja gaiden did it very well i like all the new ninja gaiden games and they have really cool weapons and powers, personally i prefer it over god of war. However being one of my favorite franchises i have to say it's extremely milked, with two remakes of the first 3D game and one remake of the second, and it's not a remake because they want to improve the graphics they just make it seperately for for ps3 and x360, the first remake was actually on the same cdonsole as the original. Even with all the remakes these were all good games and are definately better than the 2d ones so i would say time has been good to this series
Resident evil will be the last game on this list, i was going to also do castlevania but so far that ones kinda obvious. Resident evil 1 was the begining in the most popular survival horror series ever, but now is looked back at mostly as a comedy because of the character dialogue. resident evil 2 was better but number three was scarier (because nemesis was chasing you) so it depended on if u want good game or a scary game, but they both had both of those qualities in them. Now resident evil 4 was the biggest change in the series, getting rid of tank controls and adding an over the shoulder view which has been duplicated many times since then (i mght be wrong, but i cant think of a third person shooter before that) now resident evil 4 wasnt a third person shooter really, it still was a survival game just way more tense than the ones before it, but resident evil 5 changed that. This game isnt scary at all it's a straight up action game third person shooter, now the game isnt bad but it's not as good as the one that came before it, i enjoyed it, but a game like this would not have been as special as it is said to be without the title of resident evil in it. This series has over 26 games so i can easily say it's milked, but just counting the main 5 the series seemed to be getting better and then it didnt, so honestly i cant tell whether time was good to this series or not
time hasnt been good for most games like sonic and castlevania, but thats just 2D to 3D games most games starting out 3D just get better but some don't, it all depends on who you are if you think a franchise gets better over time, but they should not be over done. I believe series' do get better over time until they get up to numbers likeseven or thirteen, every franchise needs t end at some point
The best games i have ever played
by DietWaffle on Comments
My articles aren't really read by really anyone, but if anyone does read this i just wanted them to know these are just the best games in my opinion i haven't played every game yet either. Some games i'm sure would be on my list if i got a chance to play them like Crysis or Grand theft auto 4.
Metal gear solid 4
I wanted to start off with my favorite fame of all time. Metal gear solid 4 is one of the only two games i believe is perfect, if you want a good story this is the first place to look, now the stroy does revolve around a war but it's completely different than call of duty or medal of honor war. this is a stealth action game and you can sneak you're way through or play it like a shooter, but you can't do one all the time. This game i believe has the best boss fights i've ever seen with bosses like sceaming mantis, crying wolf, laughing octopuss, and raging raven.A motorcycle chase and some cool gimics. The octo camo which allows you to blend in with anything, a cardboard box to hide in, and just about anything you even have an ipod in the game. there are some really cool characters like raiden and you can carry a lot of weapons at once. durring one battle the screen changes so that it says like video 2 and stuff like that it's just awesome, everyone should get this game.
Half life 2
I like games with a good stroy to go with the gameplay and half life 2 did that completely. There are no cutscenes in the entire game so it's more like you experience the stroy. besides MGS4 this is the only game i found no problems with and gave it a perfect. This game is different than almost every fps out there it's more of an adventure than a shoot everything game, there is platforming, shooting, puzzle solving, and vehicle sections in this game. theres character you get to know and the best cliffhanger for a game ever... in my opinion. the weapons are actually pretty awesome like the pulse rifle which is like a stronger sub machine gun and can also disintagrate enemies and the gravity gun, this game is awesome and i would recomend it highly to anyone
Uncharted 2
I just recently beat this game and i got it because the reviews for it were incredibly good and do they live up to the actuall game... yes. If you don't already know by the previous two games i like games with really good stories and i couldnt stop playing this game because it had an amazing story and gameplay. theres a plot twist at about every cutscene the game starts you off at one of the coolest parts in the game. The car chase is different than anything i've ever seen in a game with you on thop of the cars and jumping from car to car the only other game to do that is WET. Nathan Drake is a pretty funny character and he made the strory better with his smart comebacks. The gameplay is third person shooter and platforming with a few puzzles. theres a lot of action and the platforming is done really well it's instantly one of my favorites
Devil may cry 3
This is the perfect hack and slash in my opinion. i would have rated this game higher (i did give it a 9.5) if it wasnt so hard. Dante is the funniest and yet one of the strongest and most powerful game characters i've ever seen. if you want to jump in the air and spin around with your guns shooting everything you can, if you want to use your shotgun like a nunchucks yo can, if you want to jumb up a wall you can, Dante does it all. the stroy isnt as good as the other games i listed before this but it's actually pretty good, the cutscenes are pretty cool with all the cool stuff dante does. just to sum it up this game was so awesome it makes up for the second one and then more.
I do also own Olivion but i havent gotten as far into that as i have fallout 3 so i picked this one while they're both good. this game has a lot of weapons and they're all cool like the mirv which shoots 8 mini nukes at once, the alien blaster which disintigrates anything it shoots, the gattling laser, and many many more. I really don't like rpg's but i did like this one. The v.a.t.s allows ou to stop time and shoot, theres a lot of different enemies also and the game has a huge open world i've been playing for a while and i'm still not done, this game is really cool and i'd recomend it also
there was a lot of hype around this game when it first came out and it was just purely amazing (the second was a letdown though.) The idea of the big daddies and little sisters was brilliant. The weapons are pretty basic but can all be upgraded to be better and cooler. The two things really important about this game is the atmosphere and the plasmids. The atmosphere is in an underwater city called rapture where everything went wrong now everyone there is a mutaded splicer who wants to kill you, the only game that has an atmosphere this good is dead space, but bioshock still has a better one. The plasmids are, lightning, fire, telekenisis, ice, insects, sonic boom, whirl wind, clone, control big daddy, and i think theres more but no other game gives you this much power.
Assassins creed 2
This is the most improved sequel ever (besides killzone.) The platforming is flawless and assassinating people is pretty fun and this time around the game is not repetitive. This game also has a good story about how your family was killed and now you become an assassin to get revenge, i actually got this instead of MW2 in november i played mw2 and this game is at least 10 times better (even though they're very different types of games.) Like the review said this is probably the best looking open world game ever made. This time theres an economy and a lot of customization and stuff to keep you playing even after finishing the story.
There are a lot of other games i was gonna put on here but they all had reasons i couldnt
Shadow of the collosus- i got bored sometimes when i was looking for the collosus
Ocarina of time- sometimes it's hard to figure out what to do
dead space- for some reason i've never been able to finish it
call of duty 4- while original at it's time it's not so special anymore
wet- i think i'm the only person who liked it
ninja gaiden 2- not much of a story line
red dead redemption- bad ending
gears of war- the campaign was to long (for a shooter)
mortal kombat- there were only a few good ones, but to many character
and a few more i forgot
Best year for gaming?
by DietWaffle on Comments
There hav been a few good years for gaming, but there are four years that are the best years for gaming, but what year is the best? The years I have chosen are 1998, 2001, and 2007, These are the best years and I will give reasons for why each one should be the best year for gaming.
One of the best racing games ever was started this year, it is the playstation equivalent of Forza. This was the year the original Gran Turismo was released.
The best survival horror series ever reached its best point durring tis year, I am talking about Resident Evil 2, I say it was at its best durring this year, because it still was a survival horror game durring this year. Not to mention that the game was also fun actiony, and you still got to be Leon S. Kennedy
The most critically acclaimed shooter franchise was created durring this year (Even though the besst shooter game is Perfect Dark) Half life has always had good games even this one which started it all. Half life has gotten better reviews than games such as Call of Duty, and Halo, and is known as the best shooting series ever
Metal Gear solid came out this year, there aren't many game series better than metal gear, and even though it's not the original metal gear game, it is the first one in the Metal Gear solid series, The first 3D one, and everyone likes metal gear.
Last but not least for 1998 we have The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is a great game, it has good combat, story (Not as good as Metal Gears), and invented the lock on which is used in alsmost every game today, not to mention it is the most critically acclaimed game of all time.
Final Fantasy X was released this year it is arguably the best in the series (and with 13 that is a good accomplishment, but no one can decide between this one and VII) It was the first one to use voices for the characters, had a great story andAMAZING graphics, it was all around good. and actually had a sequal
Devil May Cry
Devil may cry has been awarded as best hack and slash of all time (Beating evenGod of War) Using an incredibally cocky but funny lead character, cool weapons,great gameplay, pretty much Dante can do anything you want him to
Grand Theft Auto III
The game to bring Grand Theft Auto into 3D this game practically invented the sandbox genre, it was so amazing that no game has ever been able to copy it, you can ddo anything you want, the most free roam game ever, you will never get bored with it.
Silent Hill 2
This is the scariest game ever made, that is all I can say about it.
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo is pretty much the creator of Xbox, without it we might not have Xbox, it has always been known as one of the best games ever, with a great campaign, and the best multiplayer ever.
One of the most fun and moderately shooters out there, it has a great atmosphere, the plasmids were the best part being able to shoot lighning, fire, insects, etc, and the idea of big daddy and little sister was genious
Super Mario Galaxy
Its mario, and its his best game since the days of the Nintendo 64, he's doing some of the best platforming there is and its in space
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Its call of duty at its best, the Current time and with one of the greatest campaigns and plot twists ever you won't soon forget it.
Assassins Creed
Assassins creed was innovative with the whole climb anything concept, kill the bad but not the good, and the hidden blade, all these made it one of the greatest games of that year
Those are all some of the greatest games from some of the greatest years, but what year was the best?
virtual boy 2 releasing in 2010
by DietWaffle on Comments
Everone knows the worst console ever was the virtual boy, because it only had twelve games they were only in black and white and they all sucked (except maybe wario.) The main problem other than bad games was that you could only play it for ten minutes before you got a headache and dhad to quit. The virtual boy was so bad that the man who made had to quit the gaming industry, and Nintendo is making a new one!
Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat
by DietWaffle on Comments
Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat are definately the two most famous fighting games, but lets face it Mortal Kombat is better in every way. Firsst off when it comes to characters Street fighter has like 20 where Mortal Kombat has over 60. THe characters they have are even cooler, such as Onaga, who is a dragon human (Awsome) and Baraka
(Above Baraka) And If you look at street fighters Ryu and Guile,
Its not even close. (Above Guile) In Mortal Kombat you can use weapons which include Ermacs Giant Axe, Skorpions Katana, and I don't even know what Sub-Zero uses but its Awsome! In Mortal Kombat the moves are 2,096,983,125,873,900,876,456,789 times better. Where Noob Saibot can turn invisible Sub-Zero can Freezehis opponents, and Ermac can lift other characters and control them with his psycic powers, where as in street fighter you can shoot some blue thing. The things you can do at the places on Mortal Kombat are cooler like theres this one ballroom place and if you knock your opponent of the balcony they land on a shandalier spike and die, street fighter has a flat stage, and thats what all of them are.
(Above street fighter)
In mortal Kombat the fatality is just awsome and every character has two, examples are Skorpion taking off his mask to reveal a flaming skull and breathes fire on you, Shang Tsung can drain your soul, street fighter none of that. Finally the Story mode in street fighter you just see story clips (And they"re Cartoons) where Mortal Kombat actually has an adventure mode, like ninja gaiden or Devil may cry so its like two games in one. (This Article is not biased i have played both these games)
(Above Mortal Kombat)
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