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Best Games on these consoles

So there are a lot of good games and consoles out there but these are what i think are the best games on the best consoles. (I will only have stuff from consoles i've played and nothing from bad consoles like Neo Geo or virtual boy)


10. Final Fantasy

9. Kirby's adventure

8. Castlevania

7. Metroid

6. Ninja Gaiden II

5. Kid Icarus

4. Battletoads

3. Legend of Zelda

2. Megaman 5

1. Super Mario Bros 3


10. Earthbound

9. Final Fantasy III

8. Contra 3

7.Chrono Trigger

6. Super Mario world

5. Actraiser

4. Megaman X

3. Super Castlevania IV

2. Link to the past

1. Super Metroid

Sega Genesis

10. Sonic the hedgehog

9. Gunstar Heroes

8. Phantasy star IV

7. Mortal Kombat II

6. Shinobi 3: Return of the master ninja

5.Sonic the hedgehog 2

4. Ristar

3. Earthworm Jim

2. Sonic the hedgehog 3

1. Stryder

Gameboy Advance

10.Super mario advance

9. Pokemon Emerald Version

8. Golden Sun

7. Castlevania: Circle of the moon

6. Super mario world

5. Zelda: Minish Cap

4. Sonic Advance

3. Metroid Fusion

2. Pokemon Fire red version

1. Kirby's nightmare in dreamland


10. Zelda: Majora's mask

9. Banjo Kazooie

8. Golden eye 007

7. Donkey Kong 64

6. Rayman 2

5. Conkers bad fur day

4. Mario 64

3. Perfect Dark

2. Banjo Tooie

1. Ocarina of time


10. Rayman

9. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2

8. Tekken 3

7. Legend of Dragoon

6.Silent hill

5. Chrono cross

4. Resident evil 2

3. Castlevania: Symphony of the night

2. Metal Gear Solid

1. Final Fantasy VII


10. Metal gear solid: twin snakes

9. Metroid prime 2: echoes

8. Sonic Adventure DX

7. Rayman 3

6.Viewtiful joe

5. Super smash bros melee

4. Super Mario Sunshine

3. Zelda: Windwaker

2. Metroid prime

1. Resident Evil 4


10. Guitar hero 2

9. Silent hill 2

8. Okami

7. Sly cooper 2

6. God of war II

5. Ratchet and Clank: up your arsenal

4. Devil May Cry 3: Dante's awakening

3. Shadow of the collosus

2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

1. Metal Gear solid 3: Snake Eater


10. Whacked

9. Wrath Unleashed

8. Halo 2

7. Tom Clanceys rainbow Six 3

6. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

5. Prince of Persia: 2 thrones

4. Splinter Cell

3. Star Wars: KOTOR

2. Ninja Gaiden

1. Halo


10. Megaman Maverick Hunter X

9. Tekken Dark Resurection

8. Wipeout

7. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

6. ratchet and Clank: Size matters

5. Patapon

4. Lumines

3. God of war: Chains of Olympus

2. Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

1. Metal Gear solid: Peace walker

XBOX 360

10. Fallout 3

9. Call of Duty 4: Modrrn Warfare

8. Castle Crashers

7. Assassins creed 2

6. Orange Box

5. Ninja Gaiden II

4. Limbo

3. Bioshock

2. Halo 3

1. Gears of war


10. Red Dead Redemption

9. Demon's souls

8. Oblivion

7. God of war 3

6. Killzone 2

5. Little big planet

4. infamous

3. Heavy Rain

2. Uncharted 2: Among thieves

1. Metal Gear solid 4: Guns of the patriots


10. Mario Galaxy

9. Metroid other M

8. Sonic and the secret rings

7. New super mario bros

6. Mario cart wii

5. Smash bros Brawl

4. No more Heroes

3. Zelda: Twilight princess

2. Metroid prime trilogy

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2