Every game series starts out as an independant game and if the game is good enough it becomes a franchise. It turns out the more popular a franchise is the more hated it is, and it can be called "milked" or "overated" because the series goes on and on. Is time really a good thing for games? (There will be none of the same games from my last article)
The one series most people think of as overated is halo. Personally i think halo is a great series and most people hate it just to be different. Halo made the xbox what it is today back in 2001 and won game of the year, many people bought an xbox jus for halo and the xbox 360 for halo 3. There isnt much change between the original trilogy except a few new additions, but the sense of exploration as if all disapeared. Bungie is going to end the series by going back to it's roots with halo reach making the game more "sandboxy" and giving elites that feeling of difference tht was in the first one. Even though i am a fan of the series, i sadly have to say it is milked. The reasons i say this is because of halo 3: odst and halo wars. These games were unnecesary and in my opinion not even good. ODST didnt add anything good to the series it actually took away, u werent as strong as in the other games and the stroy just wasnt as good, i would give it (and its the newest one in the series) a 7/10 while all the ones before were better. I'm not a "huge" halo fan, it's good, but not the best game out there so i didnt even try halo wars being as i also dont like RTS games but since it only got a 6.5/10 it seems as though it was just made because they wanted to make money off of the halo franchise and thats the other newest halo game. I do think halo reach will be more like the original 3 and will remind me why i like halo, but until then i say time has not been good to halo.
Ninja Gaiden is another game thats been around for a while, and it's known for being hard, the first game was near impossible while the newest one sigma 2, i've beaten twice.. so the game has lost a little bit of what made it famous, but i think lowering the difficulty made it a whole lot more fun. I enjoyed ninja gaiden 2 on the xbox 360 more than the updated PS3 version because it had all the blood the series usually has and was a bit more challenging so i could play it more and get more of my moneys worth. but the original 2D ones were so hard that you could be playing these for hours doing the same part of the game over and over again and keep dying. The bigest thing that makes it hard to tell which is better the original or the new one is the fact it went from 2D to 3D, now a lot of games hav done this and thats when the franchises started to die, but ninja gaiden did it very well i like all the new ninja gaiden games and they have really cool weapons and powers, personally i prefer it over god of war. However being one of my favorite franchises i have to say it's extremely milked, with two remakes of the first 3D game and one remake of the second, and it's not a remake because they want to improve the graphics they just make it seperately for for ps3 and x360, the first remake was actually on the same cdonsole as the original. Even with all the remakes these were all good games and are definately better than the 2d ones so i would say time has been good to this series
Resident evil will be the last game on this list, i was going to also do castlevania but so far that ones kinda obvious. Resident evil 1 was the begining in the most popular survival horror series ever, but now is looked back at mostly as a comedy because of the character dialogue. resident evil 2 was better but number three was scarier (because nemesis was chasing you) so it depended on if u want good game or a scary game, but they both had both of those qualities in them. Now resident evil 4 was the biggest change in the series, getting rid of tank controls and adding an over the shoulder view which has been duplicated many times since then (i mght be wrong, but i cant think of a third person shooter before that) now resident evil 4 wasnt a third person shooter really, it still was a survival game just way more tense than the ones before it, but resident evil 5 changed that. This game isnt scary at all it's a straight up action game third person shooter, now the game isnt bad but it's not as good as the one that came before it, i enjoyed it, but a game like this would not have been as special as it is said to be without the title of resident evil in it. This series has over 26 games so i can easily say it's milked, but just counting the main 5 the series seemed to be getting better and then it didnt, so honestly i cant tell whether time was good to this series or not
time hasnt been good for most games like sonic and castlevania, but thats just 2D to 3D games most games starting out 3D just get better but some don't, it all depends on who you are if you think a franchise gets better over time, but they should not be over done. I believe series' do get better over time until they get up to numbers likeseven or thirteen, every franchise needs t end at some point