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Who is gamings greatest hero?

Now we all remember gamespots greatest hero tournament thing they had a while ago, but i think that was based more on who everyone liked the most as opposed to who is the greatest hero. Now i am not just going to pick my favorite game characters on here (like Conker, Dante, or Nathan Drake) because they don't qualify well enough to be considered greatest hero. Some on here will be some of my favorites but i will only pick one depending on who dserves it the most.

here are the choices

Solid Snake


Ryu Hayabusa

Sonic the Hedgehog

Master Chief

Now don't argue because once you here my reasons you will know why these are the ones i chose


Durring the game Snake stops metal gear rex, which can launch Nukes and which means he saved the world. No matter how old he gets he is always there to fight, and is still doing more than any on else durring the game. Snake can take down (MGS4) The big four, which the first one hides from you makes it hard to see and has tentacles of steel, the second one has a grenade launcher chases you on a motorcycle and traps you in a tower while having team mates help and snake wins. The third is a giant robotic wolf who runs around in a blizzard with many weapons and team mates guess who wins it's snake. The fourth can control other people and when she controls Meryl and Johny Snake doesn't kill them because doesn't kill the innocent. No matter how beat up he gets he still keeps on going. When liquid (Revolver Ocelot) makes all their weapons useless snake still ends up winning, even though it's in a fist fight. Snake doesn't do any of this for glory either, after the war it's as if snake disappears.


Link is just a kid, but when the world is about to end whose the one person who does something about it... Link. Link started when he was seven years old, and even at that age whenever he had to do something he would. He battled a giant spider inside the Deku tree at that age, he battled a giant lizzard insde a volcano, he even went inside a giant fish just to save the king of zoras daughter. Later in the game you play as fouteen year old Link, but you don't go through all of the years in between, Link Sacrifices his childhood just so that he can save everyone else. When the world was almost edestroyed the only person that could save it was fourteen year old Link who defeated Ganondorf. Later when Skullkid almost caused armageddon... Link stopped him. Yet there is one downside to this... Every game is like a restart so only one of them actually happened.


you're probably wondering why Ryu made it on this list. well for starters like with link and snake the world would have ended without him. The archfiends are going to end the world and Ryu kills every one of them all by himself. The over powerd King of storms Volf has minions that can kill a human instantly but Ryu kills everyone of them that attacks him, and stops volf in his own arena, and then a second time. the archfiend of lightning who summons demons to destroy New York is stopped by Ryu who also gets rid of the demons and when the statue of liberty is about to destroy him, it doesn't stop Ryu. Ryu will go through anything to stop the archfiends... by himself. He stops TWO dragons at the same time using arrows, he can even defeat ninjas who appear to have automatic rocket launcher. In the end Ryu defeats ninjas, demons , and a lot of other things. He destroys the final archfiend inside of mount Fuji twice.


Sonic did what everyone else on here did, he savd the world. Eggman is persistant (and probably has a lot of spare time) but he makes so many robots, razor blade ones, knight ones, ones that shoot rockets, ones with machine guns, ect. Sonic stops them all no matter how many. Eggman is about to destroy the entire world with a water manster called chaos, Sonic defeats him by becoming super sonic, I doubt anyone else could defeat chaos. When everyone in America wants sonic arrested and it seems as if the country turned against him sonic still helps them, he even saves the president from eggman. When eggman creates a weapon so strong he blew up half the moon Sonic goes into space to stop him, and them when bio lizard attaches himself to it and starts hurdling towards the earth, guess who stops the human race from becoming extinct, Sonic.

Master Chief

Without him the covenant probably would have taken over earth. he was made especially to stop the covenant. Guess what, he does. Who can defeat hunters when marines have trouble with brutes.... master chief. Who will go inside of a parasite... Master Chief. Master chief defeats oracle who killed Johnson. He can stop Machines, Aliens, and Zombies. He just keeps on fighting. The other spartans (Halo: Reach) all died out, but chief he doesn't he takes on everything against him, and in the end he freezes himself again unti he is needed

Now i didn't write this all at once i had a lot of thinking on who to choose but it finally came to me that the winner should be.......
