It's not a drama or an over acted soap opera. It's not an all too cute kids show nor the evening news. It is the PBS series Frontline, a documentary that shows you, in all of life's detail, that you don't know anything.
Frontline does more than just informing you on things such as how false information could so easily slip through the filters of government or how Wal-Mart is squeezing local businesses into closure and forcing manufacturers to go overseas. With it's ever present voice over, with his deep baritone, Frontline is almost like your dad showing you the world and how awful it is.
I mention this because I just saw the movie Little Children. It came out this past year and is a wonderful character study of longing and regret. Oh and it has voice over by the same guy from Frontline. With his booming voice-of-god narration, he adds depth to the movie without it been force fed to you or overstating the subtext.
I also got to see Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth, two great films by Mexican directors. What struck me most about Children of Men was its cinematography, with the movie's long takes and stunning sets. The funny thing was a lot of it reminded me of Gears of War in terms of rubble and destruction everywhere with muted, washed out colors. There was even a running scene that was almost exactly camera angle using when you're running in Gears, the shaking camera and everything.
Another thing I got a giggle at was that one of the main characters in Pan's Labyrinth, Maribel Verdu, also starred in Y tu mama tambien that was directed by Alfronso Cuaron who also directed Children of Men. Yeah that's a little too six-degress-of-Kevin-Bacony but that's what you get when you have IMDB and too much free time .
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