I'm sure there are countless other topics like mine that describe their annoyance/disappointment with Gamespots new web-page layout, but regardless, I feel the need to express my opinion because I've been a registered member on this website since May 2005...
Now back in the 2005, I don't remember what GS honestly looked like. But I do remember that Platinum Subscription services were available for paying members, as well as the MUCH missed .01 rating score that they would use for game reviews. All those are gone now, which nobody knew why and are to this day greatly missed. I guess isn't honestly up to the website members to decide whether or not a layout change needs to happen, but we SHOULD be able to voice our opinion on the possibility of a change of layout. It's probably inevitable that website change, after all, you start to see certain imperfections and would like to see certain facets change/revamped. Over the course of time on GS, they've changed layouts every couple of years. Some more annoying than others, but over time made sense after navigating your way around the new layout and getting used to things and noticing why they made those certain changes. They made sense. Not all of them mind you, but most of them.
Now we're in for another GS website change, but this time - it's a f****ing mess. Sorry for the language, but it's necessary to express my frustration with this change. Before this layout, the Gamespot website was nearly perfect. It was easy to navigate, the news sections were nicely categorized, latest reviews were easy to find, the member rating system was easy and accessible and the over-all layout was simple yet intuitive. All of that is gone now... Replaced with a bombastic layout that makes no sense. The review rating system has been changed AGAIN into now a 1.0 increment which takes away even more grading diversity than ever before. The interface is garbage and cluttered, the forum system is now not appealing at all, which is a shame because the Gamespot forums were the BEST part about this website... The forums for this website was great because it was populated, and full of regular users. But now the over-all forum interface has changed for the worse...
I don't honestly care if other people agree with me on this, but Gamespot was almost perfect the way it was... I wish my comment would convince the website designers to change it back to the way it was, but we all know that isn't going to happen.
Please don't misunderstand, I don't want to sound like I'm griping or bitter.
I love this community and thank all of you for the good memories and fun times. But now this is where I say good-bye. It was fun everyone, and I hope to see you all again on another website. Regardless if I can actually deactivate my membership or not, this will be my last post on this website. We've had good times Gamespot, but I no longer wish or want to be a member of this video game website... I'm sorry things had to turn out this way for the people who share my concerns and objections to this new website change. I'll probably still visit this website time and again out of habit, but I won't post any longer and I'll find a better website to be a member of. Farewell Gamespot, I will miss the old days...
Caleb E. Rees (Digital_DJ_00)
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