By now, I'm sure you've been digesting what's happened at E3. The Sony PS4 Console was finally shown, as well as the initial price at which Sony will set it. ($400 incase you haven't heard) The console itself looks similar to the 1st generation of the Playstation 2 console. It's mostly constructed of a matte black finish, it has a boxy stature, and it has the PS2's signature blue streak/line. The biggest difference though is obviously that it's slanted. Why? Who cares, it looks good. The Xbox One did little to innovate it's chassis design resulting it looking like a really expensive cable/dvd player. Which really isn't too surprising since Cable television and video streaming is Microsofts main focus on the Xbox One and not video games. Sorry if that offends or confuses Xbox fanboys/supporters, but it's the truth, no matter which way you slice it... Which is a real shame, because the Xbox 360 was a huge success compared to the original Xbox, which was flat out dominated along side the Gamecube by the PS2. Sony's PS4 Feb. confrence was all about the games. Microsoft's May confrence was all about TV, Cable, and video streaming, oh and there was Call of Duty, but it was mostly about TV.... See the difference? Now I'm not saying that the Xbox One has completely forgotten about gamers, but gamers and video games is definately NOT it's main focus anymore. Which is bad news for Microsoft, because video games was it's prime source for success. Why alienate the audience that made the 360 so successful? It makes no sense...
And to make matters worse, Microsoft wants you to log into the Xbox Live atleast once every 24 hours, they have strict policies on used games, (I won't go into detail because I don't know the whole story on that) you still need to pay for Xbox Live membership, (which is a cop out now because you're paying for features that are FREE when you're using a PC....) Oh yeah, and it costs $500....
Did Sony gain anything from Microsofts bad decisions? You bet your ass they did. After Microsofts Xbox One May confrence, Sony's stock rose an eye popping 10%. Sony's E3 Show was awesome. We got gameplay footage of inFamous Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Destiny. And that was just the games. Sony went on to continue their momentum by announcing no used game policies, no "always online" or 24 hour check in. It's region free, and it costs an attractive $400. That's $100 less that Microsofts Cable Box.
Suffice to say, Playstation dominated E3 this year. Console sales will be the only actual indicator of which gamers favor, but I'm pretty sure Sony has this next console race in the bag. I don't expect the Xbox One to fail miserably, it probably won't by any sense, but I highly doubt that it'll sell as well as the PS4. Speaking of which, despite VGChartz questionable sales number legitimacy, as of now, the PS3 has officially outsold the Xbox 360. I guess all those PS3 doom sayers were wrong after all...
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