@Clownbabby I remember when the music industry went through all this huff and puff, and to some degree its still there, but does DRM even exist anymore on music? They found new avenues to market and sell their music. They finally gave into the consumers demands. I don't see why some gamers have a different mentality about DRM on games though.
@Dreday12203 If you think about it though games get bigger and bigger every gen. Eventually games will reach over 100gbs+ You simply cant download that within a reasonable amount of time (at least not now anyways) so the only other option they will have is to stream them or abandon this whole downloaded big budget games motto.
@SharnOfTheDead @DAMSOG Steam is great and I buy lots of games from steam but you know what steam doesn't make me do? Have a damn internet connection every 24 hrs to make sure i didn't steal anything on my computer. lol
@shikori_4 Yeah can you just imagine if car companies stopped building new cars because they complained the used care industry was "stealing" all their money. Only game developers seem to think this logic makes sense.
I by no means know more than Cliff does about the industry but I'm having trouble siding with him on this. The movie industry doesn't seem to have an issue throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at a 2 hour movie and only charging 50 buck for a family of 4 to go watch it, then a few months later making millions of disc based copies of it and selling them for 20 dollars each. I think this mentality he has is a little lazy. The industry needs to find ways to innovate and bring development costs down if its that big of a problem for them. And by innovate I don't mean nickle and dime your supporters. I don't have any problem with free to play games that have micro transactions but it certainly doesn't mean I'm willing to hop into a free level of call of duty with a pistol and then have to pay for every weapon and map in the game. Have you seen how much some of these "free to play" games end up costing people in the end. Its in the hundreds of dollars range and they don't even realize it till they look back at their bank statements.
@AvrgInt @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel @malokevi I agree with you 100 percent. Competition is good for the industry. Id never want to see either go. And then there's the Wii U. lol
@malokevi @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel Im just saying man. I loved the Xbox....LOVED IT! Yes I am a fanboy jumping ship. I hated PS3s price. I hated the disc format wars and I hated Sony every since I had 2 lousy PS2s go bad on me. I am pretty upset by Microsofts obvious greed. I want to own what I buy. I think Microsofts business model is terrible for gaming. Theres going to be a lot of very disappointed kids come Christmas when their unknowing parents buy them an XBOX One.
@malokevi @Digital_XTC @Judge-Albel Dude I own both The original xbox and 2 360s. I stood in line for both midnight launches of Halo 2 and 3. I DONT own a PS3. I plan to buy a PS4, not an Xbox One. And no it doesn't piss me off what you do. Quite frankly i could care less if you jumped off a bridge.
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