Sony, why in the heck didn't you add that extra joystick/thumbstick ( whatever you might call it) ??!! Without a second joystick upgrading to the new Slim PSP is a terrible no-no in my book. Sure it has a nicer and easier way to interchange your memory card...but that alone is not worth the price of almost $200. By the way, what happened to the slot loading mechanism of the old PSP...was it that ugly and broken to scrape it away in the redesign. Now the Slim PSP looks like it can break at any time, might have problems loading and playing UMD's and still doesn't have a decent D-Pad to boot. I personally like the ultra quick and slick D-Pad of the Nintendo DS...however the DS has pretty low-def graphics, so that point is almost null and void. In conclusion, this new version the Sony PSP is obviously for rich and spoiled kids who get what they matter what and it is for those people who think that the I-Phone is cool but has no game support whatsoever. Oh, that is right...Sony...why haven't you integrated a cell-phone into your new PSP??!! Answer me that and then we can talk price gouging, because that is the one thing that would truly separate this version from the PSP of yesteryear.
Are these screens for the Xbox version of the game, or the beta PS2 version...hard to tell. I highly doubt that the graphics looked that crappy back in 2004 on the original Xbox. How do I know this?? Well, recently a friend of my brother brought in Halo 2 to play in my basement. The game looked really impresive on a regulare 480i resolution CTV. Take that Windows Vista...untill I see Resident Evil 5, Grand Theft Auto 4, and Duke Nukem Forever on your platform; I see no reason for the dubious upgrade.
Earth to Sony: this is the time to make an affordable game console, not an over-hyped and over-priced "PC entertainment console". Never in my life have I seen a company being so naive about its future in the videogaming biz. People, remember the Neo-Geo and the Philips CD-I---those where way too expensive and had a bevy of crappy software to boot. I see this next round of consoles shaping up to be a major disaster for both consumers and game journalists alike. Why you ask?? Well,for one, the price of the Sony PS3. Secondly, the confusion that will come from consumers on November 17, 2006 when Sony will launch their new hardware;do I really need a Blu-Ray player to go along with my new playstaion, or am I just being ripped off. In the end, imo, the only heroes of this next-gen game warfare are the 'SMART CONSUMERS ,who will use their brains(hopefully) for a change, and force companies like Sony and Microsoft to level their game console prices for mass market distribution. Whew...that took a little more time than I had expected,but never mind that; go forth, consumer, and spend you cold-hard cash wisely--for the future of gaming as we know might rest in your hands.
My top 5: 1. Resident Evil Series (Mostly RE 1 and RE 4) 2. GTA Series ( GTA SA and GTA LCS are now my favorites) 3. Fifa Soccer 06, 2002 and 2006 Fifa World Cup...need I say more? I guess I'm just a crazy football fanatic , or I admire the beautifull game that EA Sports has mastered in producing after all these years. 4. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (brought the series into 3D. Well, MK 4 did that first, but it was flawed and pretty crappy to boot). 5. Indian Jones and the Infernal Machine (best game I was looking forward to---which is still the best Indy game of all time (which I don't play anymore. Runner's up: Maxy Payne 1,2. Legend of Zelda Series Grand Turismo 2,3,4 and Ford Racing 2 Super Mario 1,2,3, SM 64, and SM Sunshine.
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