New favorite anime- Code Geass (thank you RHF123).
by DimitriFan1 on Comments
I will keep this spioler free. RHF123 told about an anime called Code Geass. Anyone who watches anime must watch Code Geass. I can officially be called a Code Geass fan for I have caught up to it, Ive watched the full first season almost twice. RHF is making me a Code Geass banner. It's kind of like Deathnote. The main character in Geass, Lulouch, actually has a good heart and his reason for wanting to do what he does is very agreeable. Yagami Light was just crazy. Basically, picture Death Note with a nice main character, a little less clever, more action based, with Robot mech fights. You heard me, mech fights. Also the heroine of Geass, CC (not her real name) loves pizza (pizza hut specifically). :P Code Geass is so far my favorite anime, Bleach is 2nd. Naruto, sadly, has gone down hill. The manga is awsome, but the anime is slow and boring.