For the next few days or so, I'm probably going to be making a blog post per day, as I tend to write everything at once, then go "Oh **** That's all I had!"
1. Playing Olden Games.
I, like many people, enjoy reliving the memories of older games every once in a while. Zork: Grand Inquisitor is probably my most recent example, and probably one of the most memorable PC games of my childhood (Other than Doom II). I remember playing it when I was just eight or nine years old, not understanding any of it, but still having a damn blast. Z:GI plays like Myst, a standard point-and-click adventure game, except it's funny. That's the whole reason I love the game, it's actually funny. In stark contrast to Zork: Nemesis (Don't play it in the dark), Z:GI is lighthearted, not too hard, and a lot of fun. Or at least it was when I was little.
When I went back to play it a few weeks ago, it took quite a few tries to get it running (which is to be expected). But when I actually started playing it, I felt that it had lost a lot of it's charm. When you're nine, you think everything's funny and new. It's just not the same when you've matured a bit. Compounding it is how dreadful the cutscenes were, I know they were good for it's time, but seriously, it's like they hired random people off the street, gave them a script, then handed them a few beers to make it funnier. I think the real problem is that since I played the game so much when I was little, I knew how to do EVERYTHING by heart, so I got the entire game done in just a few hours. Meh, maybe I should just stick to semi-old games.
2. Communism
It's an economic system.
3. E3
I guess I should put a bit about it in, as IT'S THE ONLY GOD DAMN THING EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT.
Mirror's Edge, Spore, Fallout 3. That's all I'm looking at/forward to in relation to E3.