Im never getting a PS3. My 360 will keep long entertained and has got me through the summer with next gen feasts such as GRAW, Oblivion, Call of Duty and many others. I could write for hours about why the 360 is so much better than the PS3, and the strange thing is, i used to be a xbox hating sony fan boy (because the PS2 was better than the Xbox). Since the launch of xbox 1, sony has gone downhill, losing exclusice titles and ultimately losing the console war. The only draw to the ps3 that i have is the MGS and Final Fantasy series, but its just not enough to warrant the price tag and all this crap about delays. MS where realisitic about what they could do and have delivered a truly great experience in the Xbox 360. I am willing to bet that when the PS3 is finally released, it will be riddled with bugs and the online system wont work properly.
Look at the facts, you can buy a 360 premium and a Wii for a sligltly higher amount that a ps3 No games console is worth that amount. Sony have made a mistake ALL HAIL THE 360!!!
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