Hey guys! Not posted a blog in a while so here's a quick update on a few things going on at the moment:
First of all I've just reached level 17 here on Gamespot! Yaaaay lol Level 16 went past really quickly (kind of a shame really - I liked being a Magician Lord lol). Looking forward to lots more levelling up in the future :)
Next, I've just managed to break 13K gamerpoints on my xbox live account so I'm quite pleased (and before anyone says anything I know that's not really very high - there's people out there with over 200K points!!!). I've been competing with a guy from my work for some time now, he was really annoyed that a girl could have a higher GS than him so he started saying he's going to get all these games just to beat me and stuff. It was all talk and now he's waaaay behind me, and I'm rubbing it in as much as I can whenever I see him :twisted: (I've been kinda sneaky though and signed up for a 30-day free trial at LoveFilm so I can rent games for a month for nothing lol not telling him that though!)
In other news I'm now completely finished my degree, and am actively seeking work in the games industry! So if anyone knows of places looking for programmers (or even testers, I just need to get my foot in the door!) then put in a good word for me :D I'm also trying to get some more part time work, just to get some cash because I'm pretty poor at the moment lol I'm barely getting any hours at GAME at the moment because they're trying to cut back on staff as much as possible, so there's no overtime available unless someone phones in sick :( Kinda sucks cause I love my job...
And finally, here's a list of the games I'm hyped about at the moment, and plan on buying once they're out (if they're not out already) and once I've got money!
- Prototype - death, destruction and superpowers, what more could you ask for? Some free-running? Yeah ok, we'll stick that in too lol
- Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - Looks quite alot like Diablo 2 which I played alot when I was younger, hopefully this will be just as addictive!
- Golden Sun 3 DS - one of the few surprises of Nintendo's E3 conference, loved the old games, hope this one's just as good :)
- Left 4 Dead - Yeah, I know, it's been out for aaages but I've still not managed to grab myself a copy lol I will get it sometime - promise!
Hope you enjoyed the blog :P
Power to pyjamas! *flies off into the distance*