Hey there guys! I just thought I'd better post a blog to let you all know that I'm not going to be about as much for a while, I'm finding that this website (particularly posting on everyones blogs) is gradually taking up more and more of my time which could be spent doing other, more constructive things- e.g. building up a portfolio so I might actually get a job one day.
So I'll still come on every so often and try to comment on a few blogs, but if I miss one or two then please don't be offended. I'll also be pretty inactive in most of the unions I've joined (sorry guys) but I am going to try to keep active in the Forever Harvest Moon union, as I helped to set it up and it's something that I'd really like to be a success (if anyone reading this is a fan of harvest moon and hasn't joined yet then what are you waiting for??? lol)
I'll probably be back online on Friday for the traditional birthday blog, but in the mean time I'm off to teach myself XNA :D
Happy gaming my gamespot chums ;)