Hello! Not posted a blog in a while so here's my latest update!
Well firstly I would just like to share with all you pokemon fans out there that I now have a 100% legal Shaymin on both my Diamond and Pearl games :D A few Game stores have been holding Pokemon events so me and my bf went. I'm really happy now seeing as Shaymin is my favourite of the ledgendaries (who couldn't love a little green hedgehog??? lol) Don't despair if you're reading this and want to get your own - I think the events are running until next Friday at selected stores so check the official website to see if you can get one too :)
Also I am currently in the process of starting up a new union for one of my other all-time favourite game series - Harvest Moon! If anyone is a fan of the series (you don't have to be as obsessive as I am lol) then feel free to comment below and request an invite -if you message quickly then you might even get to be a charter member! Ooooh the excitement :lol:
In other news I am approaching the end of my 3rd year at uni now, once it's over I will (hopefully) have a first class degree in Games Software Development! I'll actually be able to put letters after my name (BSc) :D lol I'm currently looking for a job in the games industry (ideally programmer but I'll take anything tbh) but it's not proving to be easy to get your foot in the door- everyone is wanting experienced applicants but they're not providing any opportunities for graduates like myself to get any experience :( I'm going to keep applying and hope for the best.