..."Golden years" refers to the final years of a person's life...during their retirement. There is a rash of either incompetent or nonexistent copy editing at gamespot. PROOF READ!
@Gravity_Slave: That's a strawman. I'm not arguing that.
We're not talking about subtle influence, or borrowing small elements.
We're talking about an "engineer," literally hammering a mobile turret into various levels of power, and lifting and replacing stationary devices...it's EXACTLY the same as the engie. Valve took elements from other shooters, sure, but they INVENTED the engie. This game stole the EXACT design. Same with the health beam with the "+" symbols.
It is really dishonest to say this is just another example of borrowing from the past into something original. This is shameless, lazy reskinning. I am convinced that Blizzard would not have given Gamespot early access to the game if they did not agree not to mention the TF2 stealing.
Yeah. Gamespot was paid off or threatened by Blizzard not to even bring up the fact that this is a blatant TF2 ripoff. From the floating plus sign health beam to the whacking engineer machines with a wrench.
no no...it's not a ripoff! It's a GENRE now. "Hero shooter!"
I love how we call reskins "genre" now.
This is poor ethics in journalism. I KNOW there was a condition by Blizzard not to bring it up.
I can see why you'd call me that with my use of the word "modern." But dont get me wrong. Almost all video games have been square peg in square hole "chore apps" as I call them. The concentration is just higher these days the more risk averse aaa companies become
I'm extremely proud to hear a game journalist say "this game wastes your time." Proud as I am, it begs the question, where were you on...95% of modern videogames?
@mirage_so3 @DinoFarmBlake nah it's not so much a categorically japanophile thing, though I know I sounded that way. The character was originally a Japanese design. I guess this illustrates what I mean better than words could.
The reason you know these redesigns were American and not Japanese were because of the really elementary design mistakes. Sonic's extra small quills is REALLY bad. Little thin, dangling details that disrupt the silhouette. especially when zoomed out. This was done by lame out of touch saturday morning cartoon douches rather than competent Japanese designers.
@RS13 @DinoFarmBlake I did read it. The long short of it is, God of War has "more stuff." The "press A to win" is reskinned more times, and therefore it's "more deeperer." and therefore betterer. I'm aware different people gave this review. But I assume that Gamespot, as a publication, has some kind of standard. Apparently I'm mistaken.
Why....the hell....did God of War III get a NINE, and this get a 4? 3rd person, QTE "Mash A to win" combat, no-brainer rpg elements, sprawling set pieces and state-of-the-art visuals set to a level of dramatic writing only slightly above Saturday morning cartoon level. It's...the same....game design. Or wait. Is it because God of War has "more moves?" More different flavors of distraction? Does the advent calendar have enough chocolates to keep you opening doors until the software is a piece of garbage? Is that the 4 point discrepancy? I'd really, really like to know the criteria for judging the quality of a game design with arbitrary scores like these.
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you gave the glorified press A to win app a 4, but I don't understand what made Arkham Origins or God of War "better." Pick your poison. It's the same. exact. ruleset.
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