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Battlefield 4 Revisited

So a while back I posted my review of Battlefield 4 giving a 6 overall. Since then I haven't not even touched my poorly made $60 game, until now. I wanted to see what they fixed and if they fixed anything from the last time. Well here goes my most recent experience.

Jumping right into the game it seems a little better after downloading some updates and the China Rising map pack. The China maps were pretty cool and I think they are lot of fun. Most of my previous visual problems are gone; such as disappearing gun or hand or building. However I still continue to have rending problems. These only happen when I spawn, the guns seem to be rendering better than last time. But they still appear blurry; at least the sights aren't a black block in my face. The terrain seems to have the most problems rendering properly. The lands appears flat and then BAM, detail; although it doesn't happen that fast.

Another problem that I still have is the game just out right crashes. I'll be sitting in the leader boards and it freezes. A perfectly clean disc with hardly any use is freezing. I swear, my Halo CE disc went through hell and it still plays fine. But BF4 still continues to crash/freeze each time I play it. When that happens it makes me frustrated and I just turn off my xbox. So for me, its still hard to get into playing BF4 and enjoying it. I'm pretty much bored with it. It isn't really topping any of the enjoyment I received from BF3. It still doesn't feel fresh, it still has problems, and I'm still pissed that I paid full price for this.

My 6/10 rating stands strong. Some of the problems may have been fixed but then again, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Call of Duty

Call of Duty or COD is the most well known game currently.  People love to play it, bash it, be brainwashed by it, among other things.  I'd like to take some time and just talk about it, with a slight review of the ones I've played.  This is all my opinion and so here we go. 


My first COD games was COD3, I heard about COD back in the day but ignored it.  Mainly because I was heavily into Medal of Honor when it was actually good.  MOH was my favorite WW2 games and probably still is up there.  When I got my first Xbox 360, there some kind of deal at Best Buy two get like 2 games and Xbox 360 for a little bit cheaper.  So I got (ironically) Battlefield 2 Modern Combat and COD3.  COD3 all in all was pretty good.  The campaign was interesting and had some nice action.  I had few complaints with game as far as story.  I hated jumping from character to character, while it gave me a chase to experience the battle from different view points I didn't care about the characters.  This is something that will plague COD for me.  A minor complaint were the 3 quick time events were too easy and just un-threating.  As of right now I can't think of anything else so these complaints are small.  COD3 had multiplayer which I liked.  I liked how both sides had their own weapons and abilities which made for great gameplay; along with good maps.  I'd give COD3 a good 8/10.

When COD4 came out I was slightly concerned because it wasn't WW2, like it has always been.  But I was interested in this new game.  But apparently not enough because I got Halo 3 and that refused to leave my xbox for 3 straight months.  That is not a lie, the only reason I even played COD4 was because my dad bought it so he could play it.  Once I needed a break from Halo 3 I played COD4.  This game was revolutionary at the time.  It had a solid story, new and refreshing and VERY addicting multiplayer.  The story again jumped from character to character which again i didn't care too much about them, but it wasn't like COD3.  So I recognized them, the mission were fun an varied with a nice ton of action and shooting, the pacing seemed a little fast but it wasn't enough to bother me.  Multiplayer was my Halo 3 skill killer.  It was so much fun, unlocking guns, the maps, the challenges, just everything.  It was a 9/10 and what I consider the most SOLID CALL OF DUTY EVER MADE.  

Now we reach over to Call of Duty World At War.  I was kinda happy to see the return of my favorite part of history ever.  But it was filled with mixed feelings.  The campaign was short and felt terribly rushed.  However the Russian Sniper mission was awesome!  I really like the Russian missions a lot more than the American.  I did feel it was kinda weird for the game to be jumping from Pacific Warfare to European Warfare, but you only played two characters so that was find enough for me.  Multiplayer I could tell was the hard focus of this game.  Multiplayer was slightly improved and it had something new.  Dismemberment!!!! It was cool to see your limbs blow off because you tripped those bloody bouncing bettys.  Still don't know why an anti tank gun was used as a sniper rife but multiplayer was awesome.  Again, great maps, guns, perks, challenges, and this crown jewel of gaming ZOMBIES!!!  Zombies was such a huge bonus and a bigger reason to buy DLC.  Working together to fight endless hords of zombies could not have gotten better, until they added new maps and new toys.  COD WAW i'd say be given a 8/10, mainly because of a lacking campaign.

Now MW2, campaign took an interesting turn but it just kinda was ok and a bit confusing.  I mean the airport mission I remember questioning myself on what to do.  I'm a CIA member forced to work with terrorist and mow down hundreds of civilians.  That was cool with a moral twist.  I honestly didn't shoot many people the first time, the second time I mowed down everyone, and the several times after that.  The ending does get intense and the final battle was awesome.  The multiplayer was at this point the main focus of COD.  I think it pretty much perfected multiplayer.  The same quality COD had been putting out since COD4, guns, maps, perks, challenges, and improved it.  However there were several glitches people took advantage of, and the curse of this game the freakin noob tube.  I have no problem being killed by a noob tube/grenade launcher, but when that's all I get killed by then it starts to piss me off.  In combination with the right perks this was a thorn in my side.  I would use it when other people used it against me and I can't honestly say it hardly takes any skill.  You don't even have to hit the person to kill them.  AHHHHHHH it gets me mad just thinking about that crap!!!!  I would like to also mention the fact that the snipers would randomly decide to be two hit kills even though its a 50 cal.  That was frustrating, to have a gun with damage almost maxed out not kill in one hit.  But MW2 is my favorite COD multiplayer ever, and I still play it from time to time.  Not only did it have multiplayer but it had Spec Ops, these were joyful little quick missions.  I'd spend hours with friends trying to get all 3 stars.  They were so much fun.  This game is a 8/10 for me.

Now the downfall of a once great series.  Black Ops was a mixed bag.  I was starting to get tired of COD now, watching the game with only minor tweaks and such but it hit hard with this game.  I got Halo Reach, but was not as happy with that as I had hoped so I did eventually get COD BOs.  Black Ops did address one concern about the campaign, with being many people.  It was now down to one (mostly) and that made Mason the most like able character for me in COD history.  The story held my attention but it seriously lacked pacing, it was way to fast.  I did like going through important events in history, but nothing seemed really "Black Ops" in the game.  It was overly heavy on the action.  Multiplayer was honestly boring.  The guns felt the same, all automatic.  They just felt exactly the same too me, perks sucked because I ended up using pretty much the same perks for every class, unlike previous games.  Maps were stupid, with the exception of Nuketown, but that got annoying because that's all anyone wanted to play.  Snipers sucked, they hardly killed in one hit despite being all most maxed out with damage, and i'd even get hit markers on people point blank!!!  I also hated how the maps were not really sniper friendly.  I liked one gun in multiplayer and that was the Ak74u.  Killstreaks were defiantly improved, I loved the options of choosing.  The unlock system was interesting, after 1st prestige you knew what you liked.  But I ended up buying everything anyway, because what was the point of having all that cash and nothing to spend it on, and I liked messing around with the crappy guns.  I think I had the most fun in the Betting Lobbies.  Those game modes were very exciting, my favorite was Gun Game.  So there was very few things I actually liked, the ONLY reason I bought the DLC was Zombies.  Zombies again was extremely fun, I wasn't a huge fan of the guns because I liked WAW's better but it was still so much fun.  The maps were great until Shangri La, that maps sucked!  But the Moon Map was amazing.  It made it interesting to have the story in Zombies as well as the loads of Easter Eggs.  Zombies was the highlight of COD BO.  This game was a 7/10 for me, I still play Zombies.

Ugh, the most disgusting and last COD game I bought.  MW3 was a poop show.  WHY DID I SPEND MONEY ON YOU!!!!  Oh that's right to play with friends, I got this game cheap on amazon.  So at this point I didn't even what COD anymore.  This game just shows that COD is everything wrong with gaming.  First off, the graphics hadn't even really changed since... since COD4, cause its the same freakin engine with minor tweaks!!!!  Halo even stepped it up, in Reach.  It looked the same as MW2 almost.  It seems like they tried to do as little work as possible to make the most money.  The campaign is just this over the top none stop action that doesn't know what pacing even is!  Moments I was having fun, ended in seconds; like in the beginning, you're riding a boat, ships are blowing up everywhere, people are chasing you and then its over.  Just when I was saying to myself, "Wow, I'm enjoying myself" it was over.  And honestly, when Soap died, I didn't even care.  It was just like.. oh, back to playing the random Russian guy.  The campaign babied me throughout the entire thing.  I followed this linear path the whole time, I didn't even once need to think for myself.  I'd have moments where there was "Follow" above the AI and the game would be yelling at me to follow him, climb the ladder, do this when it was clearly obvious!  It just pissed me off further.  And the "Stealth missions" were completely crap!  You just follow the Price and everything is magically alright.  No thinking, no sense of achievement, no nothing.  I was just going to through the motions.  I'd have to say my favorite mission was the last mission.  It was a cool way to end the Modern Warfare series.  But hey, I'd say this campaign was much better than Bf3's!  Which is not saying much.  Now on to the crap we call multiplayer.  Maps suck, perks suck, guns... suck.  Killstreaks were my favorite out of all the CODs.  I like how you can pick a support killstreaks, a perk killstreak, or and offensive killstreak.  That changed somethings up.  But what was the point, I wasn't having fun.  I hated the maps!  None of them were again sniper friendly really.  Where is the open maps from COD4 and MW2?  Everything is this claustrophobic orgy and not in a fun Shipment kind of way like in COD4.  Snipers were terrible, so many hit makers and point blank too!  I never even touched any DLC for this game I refused to buy this crap.  

This game gave me allowed me to sit back and look at COD in perspective.  Multiplayer honestly hadn't changed much since COD4.  It had gotten better, but then it got stale.  One thing that doesn't help is that COD comes out every year.  The slight changes hardly justify buying it.  The campaign used to be fun, but now its all multiplayer because that's where the money is.  I have a personal belief that games should stand on Campaign alone and multiplayer is an added bonus to keep you playing.  For me if the multiplayer isn't good, it will hardly affect the game.  The new Tomb Raider a great game, the multiplayer sucked but it didn't bother me.  BF3 is a weird game; where the multiplayer is so great and refreshing that it outweighed the bad campaign; which is pretty powerful in my book.  What brought BF3 down was the campaign.  Since COD comes out every year I'm going to get tired of it faster.  While gameplay is smooth along with controls, it everything else I have a problem with.  The story is just over the top and trying to out do its previous, constant action, way too linear, it babies you through the game, you don't have to think much, multiplayer had hardly changed with few innovations , in current times the maps are just bad, and it seems unless your a pro quick scoper you not really going to be sniping.  So anyway, MW3 was a 6/10 almost pushing a 5 in my book.  Oh and the spec ops in this one seemed heartless, they were boring and just not like MW2.  The survival mode mixed things up but I just go bored with it, it was not like Zombies.  

I still keep an eye on COD just in case, but COD BO2 just didn't interest me at all.  It had promise but failed my expectations.  So after MW3 I refused to buy it.  Now there is COD Ghosts and from gameplay it still looks as linear as ever.  You don't even get to control the dog when you want too, only when the games says so or at least that's what I got.  Its a new engine, FINALLY!!!  And multiplayer will probably be similar to what it always has been.  I'll still keep an open mind for it.

But I honestly don't understand why COD is still so popular and continues to be one of the lead selling games.  Games like Bioshock, Far Cry, and even Halo way better campaigns.  And because COD sells other games try to copy it and the usually fail.  I used to love COD and now I almost fully despise it.  What I'd suggest COD should do?  A lot of fixes I'd suggest would be in Campaign, but I know this is a multiplayer heavy game.  I'd say Campaign is the weakest link, so for that i'd say, open the game up.  Enough with overbearing linear gameplay.  You can have linear gameplay, but use it for more story moments or important moments.  But open up the campaign so you can employ tactics instead of just moving forward.  Slow down the pacing, allow players to feel the full impact of what is happening.  Make intense moments last, while also add some quieter moments.  Allow the player to think for themselves in stealth missions, its so much more rewarding.  So babying players through levels, that's a annoying, we can think for ourselves, just like gamers did back in the old days with Doom.  I know I am suppose to follow you up the stairs so stop yelling at me to!!!  I'd also suggest that character swapping should be to a small amount, if at all.  Allow us to stick with one character so we can form a bond like Master Chief, or Gordon Freeman.  Enough with the endless spawning enemies!  Put a certain amount of enemies in one area and let us take them out.  I know you were playing with choices in Black Ops 2, that's a step in the right direction.  Oh and make the campaign LONGER!  That's about it for campaign, now multiplayer.

 Its mostly content wise that multiplayer suffers for me.  COD look back to the old days and what the maps were like.  Make them different, open them up sometimes, make a fun map like Shipment.  Allow snipers to roam freely around.  Mix up the guns a little more and have them more different for each situation.  Add more perks and different perks, I don't want all my classes to have the same perks.  Allow a lot of choices for killstreaks, like the support killstreaks and allow more control over killstreaks.  Actually allow snipers to be powerful and one hit kills, I think that might have been fixed in BO2 though.  You can always add more guns, nobody will complain about that.  Gameplay still should remain its run and gun fast pace as always; but don't try to make it too fast.  MW3 felt a little faster than previous ones, MW2 was perfect pace.  I just think it need some tweaks here and there and not a overhaul like in the campaign.  I mean you could always get rid of it and become fully multiplayer.

Anyway that's my rant of Call of Duty.  A game I once loved and now... pretty much hate.  But I still watch it just in case it will change.  It may be a false hope but I still hope.  To prove it, I bought all the DLC from COD4 too Black Ops, I don't buy DLC for most games.  The only 3 games I've bought DLC for are Halo, Call of Duty, and Battlefield 3.  Other than that I don't do it, because its usally not worth it too me.  If COD really wants me back, it has to have some changes to it.  Other wise it will just be a Spunkgargleweewee game that we like to make fun off.  I have a lot of criticism because I care, I want the game to succeed because its actually good.  If its going to be milked it better be chocolate milk.  The milk used to be good, but now its getting sour and gross... I don't know where I was going with that but eh.     

Comments on Final Fantasy

I may not be the biggest fan of the series but I have enjoy a few of their games.  I briefly played some of the FFs on SNES, but not enough to say whether its a good game or not.  In modern times, FF seems to be failing, or at least in my eyes.  The last game, FF13 for me was so bad I never finished it nor even gotten far into it.  It seem to piss on elements that made FF great.  I may have not played the legendary FF7, but but without a doubt, if they remade it I would most certainly play it.  

 FF10 was my first real, FF experience.  Overal the game was great.  Long hours of playing, interesting characters, classic RPG battles, exploration, the list goes on and on.  It wasn't a prefect game seeing as the voice acting was.. eh cheesey at times, the story kinda got weird enough to the point I didn't fully like the outcome, and the final boss was pathetic.  The game had challenges, so it wasn't a walk in the park.  There were several times, I lost to certain bosses and had to back off and level up.  By the way the leveling up system was pretty cool.  I'd give this game a solid 8.

The next real FF experience was FF12.  I see a lot of dislike for this game, but I personally enjoyed it.  What I really liked was the different combat system.  It wasn't like the generic RPG where you'd be walking and then cut to a battle scene without seeing the monster.  This time you saw the monster and could engage or run for your life.  The targeting system was interesting, the you could give commands or control how your allies acted, and you could only use one character at a time.  This game had all that FF10 had with out bad voice acting and the story didn't get wonky.  Story wasn't special, but it was enjoyable and didn't make me wish something else happened.  I'd probably give this an actual 9.

Along with FF, I'd like to mention I fully enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.  I almost refuse to play the spin-off because they company would rather make them instead of making Kingdom Hearts 3, or at least until now.  

Played FF13 was awefull.  First off, right from the beginning you're thrown into the action.  Its like we missed the opening scene and we are half through the game.  I was lost, and remained lost for the duration of my playing time.  The level design goes against every other FF before it.  ITS A STRAIGHT LINE!!!  This was more linear then Call of Duty!  And at least COD doesn't let you walk in a straight line!!!!  There was no exploration, except to open a chest with was two steps off course.  The combat was um... ok, anyway Hope, was a ****  I just wish this **** would die!  In all of video games, I think I hated him the most.  I can't really think of a game character I hated, aside from him... screw him.  

So I didn't really get all that far in the game. I hated the characters, lost in the story, oddball terms I never fully grasped, horrific level design (Maybe it got better), no exploration, beautiful graphics, and some kind of combat system.  Graphics don't not save a game.  FF13 had awesome graphics for FF and it was all shine.  FF13 = 3.

Next I have FF7 Crisis Core.  While I may not know everything about FF7, I knew enough.  This is probably my favorite FF game ever!  Loved the characters, loved the villians, loved the story, and it was fun.  To be honest I can't remember a bad thing about it.  FF7 CC = 10, but its probably more fitting to be 9.

So now here we are.  I may not have been a full experienced FF player, but I know what makes a good game.  Square Enix, appearently was hurting for cash, and my responce was simple to this solution.  Remake FF7 just with better graphics, and give us KH3!!!  You money problems would be over.  Remaking FF7 would bring all the old fans back, bring in new fans, and bring in people who have heard of this legendary game but never played it.  Anyway, they continue to tease everyone by remaking the old classics, making a short movie for the sequal to FF7, and making games around it like Crisis Core (and I believe one other one on the PS2), and finally showing how it would look if it was on the PS3.  You sir just pissed on your fans for that.  Giving hope and then crushing it. 

I don't know how well FF13 did for some reason they are making a sequel.  We know how they end up (FFX-2).  But they also were gonna do FF Versus, which looked interesting.  Probably because it had a similar feel to FF7.  It seems SE is trying to pull parts of 7 that were liked and fit them into the new games.  Come on, Lightning, Cloud?  Just remake the game and move on with your lives.  

I maybe a noob to FF, but I did like some of their games.  And now, I really don't know if I want to continue to buy them if they continue the route set forth by FF13.  

Xbox One Rant Part 2: Wish List

Now that I've talked about the rumors lets attack why, I'm also loosing interest in the xbox one.


There were 3 things I wanted out of this new console.  If I had gotten these 3 things I would have pretty much been sold for the the Xbox One.  Here they are:


Backwards Compatibility

Play Used Game (Play for free and lend/barrow games from friends without problems)

Now, as of right now, that I know of.  There is no backwards compatibility, we don't know how used games work (but we know MS wants to kill the business) and there is (as it seems) a form of DRM.

First lets attack backwards compatibility, basicly I want it to play my 360 games and games I've bought online.  With the xbox all in one I can't do that.  So now my 360 games will last as long as my 360.  I don't like that because I'm am not certain the life of my 360.  I've spent 10 years with it.  I had the original then it died, got it fixed, still had problems and it died again.  Eventually I got the black one it seems fine but I still don't trust it as much as the PS3 or even my N64 (Which still works).  If I lost my N64 I'd be sad but I haven't put the money into it like the 360.  

Now the comment "If you're backwards compatible, you're really backwards." Thank you Don Mattrick, you've just insulted the way I think because you won't turn a profit by making your xbox backwards compatibile.  It's what your customers want, make your customers happy by giving what they want.  If a guy walks into a fruit maket and wants a apple and you give him an orange I don't think he'll be happy.  This is mainly about doing the right thing, I know you have the tech to do it.  

And what is with this crap 5% people only play older games?  You limited our use of xbox games in the first place!  I mean, I generally don't play xbox games because one I had very few, Halo, Halo 2, Battlefront, Battlefront 2, King Kong, and Ghost Recon 2 thats it.  Halo got redone and i'll still play Battlefront and Halo 2 once in awhile.  But xbox wasn't my favorite, PS2 was.  But now that I've collected games for 10 years I've a bigger collection for the 360 than I did for xbox.  So this is a big issue for me, plus you can't transfer stuff you bought online?  Really MS?  Really?

DRM is also a huge issue.  After see the disaster called Sim City really showed one problem with DRM.  Now, we aren't 100% on what they want to do.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I get they're trying to do is, do route checks through the internet to see if you actually own the game.  So when I buy a bed the Bed company should do route checks in my house to see if I actually own my bed?  You say you want to kill piracy but it also seems like you want to control how we game.  That is something I am not ok with.  I still think we need more information about this right now.  

Now playing used games was also huge for me.  Most games I buy are new, but I will occationally buy older used game because their cheaper then buying new usually.  I like sharing games with my friends and barrowing from them.  Now it seems like MS is on board with this; however there is ideas boucing around of how to make this work.  But in all honesty just make it like the 360.  It makes it easier and stop trying screw over your customers.  If you add a price it will come back to haunt us.       

So no backwards compatibility, some DRM, and used games are up in the air.  I seriously hope they are listening to gamers.  Part of me want it to fail out some anger but it still hard to make up my mind.  I'm pretty certain my gaming days are numbered.  

Xbox One Rant Part 1: Rumors

I know this has probably been done to death but I still want to put in my 2 cents.  Before I get into this, this is more of a rant around MS and the Xbox One not about what the console has to offer or what it does.


Coming into the next console round I already wasn't jumping up for the next consoles, at the beginning it was mainly because my PS3 and Xbox 360 still have a pretty good life.  I love playing them, more so the Xbox 360, and I am still getting games for them.  Recently I began a used game spree with buying games I never got to play that I've always wanted too; such as AC, AC2, Bioshock, Red Dead, and a few others.  So when I heard the new consoles were coming out, i was like, "But i'm happy with these consoles".  So right off the bat I was somewhat a little put off; but still being a gamer I was still interested in seeing that these new beasts do.

Now I used to be a PlayStation person, I loved my PS1 and PS2.  The only reason I got an Xbox was Halo.  It wasn't until Xbox 360 that I really switched.  So now I'm more on the xbox side of things. Upon the info of the xbox one there came a cluster of rumors.  This is where I think the downfall began.  (I going to focus really only on xbox)  With the rumors of DRM, no used games, and no backwards compatibility festering on the internet it seriously damaged my even interest in the new xbox.  The fact that MS let these rumors continue didn't help them regardless of them simply waiting till the reveal.  With Orth's words "DEAL WITH IT" did not by any means help my decide for the xbox.  In fact he furthered me from xbox especially with the talk of DRM. 

Because MS didn't disprove or really confront the rumors it hurt my interest.  While the rumors may not be true, they were probably spawned with a grain of truth.  Why did these come out in the first place?  There must be some truth behind it even if it was blown out of proportion.  Anyway I think it was bad move on MS to just by pass these even though I understand why (because they were waiting for the reveal) it still hurt them.

So my interest is damaged in even buying a new xbox simply by rumors that were either early on were true or had some truth to them.   But I wanted to still see what MS had to offer, I kept the rumors in the back of my mind and still was a least interested in seeing the console and seeing the truth about the rumors.

Now the reveal.  They introduced some cool features to the xbox but it wasn't enough for me to get interested.  They didn't really attack these killer rumors that much and made more controversy with the fact they didn't focus on gaming.  Not games, Gaming in general. I'm fine with the fact that E3 is around the corner and they didn't really going into what games would be on it; but they focused so much on TV.  They are trying to make Xbox (A game console) relevant for everyone.  They are trying to appeal to everyone.  In doing so it felt like gaming was now secondary to a game console.  They pushed aside the gamer to make more room for everyone else.  So gamers (The reason xbox was popular in the first place) i guess felt like this GAMING Console wasn't focused for them.  

But the reveal while it did show the tech and what it does and the interface did little to address these festering rumors.  It was kind of sloppy actually.  There are several different ideas about used games and DRM, which are important topics to console gamers.  The fact that we still don't know how certain things are going to work after the reveal is further pushing me away from xbox.  They need to confront these rumors NOW.  They need to answer some of the other questions that they kind of avoided.  Give us a certain answer.  

Now I know you shouldn't really believe rumors because they can hurt but when you go to the source and they kind of dodge the question then that add fuel to the fire.  If they want to help the fan base come clean about everything and give defiant answers unlike the IRS.  

Let's Talk A Little About Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 is one of my favorite FPSs currently. While the campaign... is.. ok, the multiplayer is great. Which brings me to my first point. Games today focus lot (maybe too much) on multiplayer. I think if Battlefield came off just being a multiplayer game, like Shadowrun it would have gotten a better review. Just playing the the campaign and the multiplayer you can tell where they put the effort. It plays almost like a Call of Duty, the difference is it looks better. If I were to rate the game, it would be hard. The multiplayer is so much fun, but the campaign was just ok.

At the beginning it started off really strong. Moving around and not seeing much action, and boom, everyone starts attacking you. The first 3 missions were great, after that it all burrs together. It was just like Call of Duty almost, and the huge disappointment came from the jet mission. It starts off so cool, it looks like you're in a jet and you're pressing buttons that only pilots know do. And then you take and flying through the air in first person. I have to tell you it looked great. But then, of course, bad guys came; and it became the most boring mission of the entire game! I just looked at the enemies and they died. I pressed one other button to release flares and that was it. It was terrible and was not even a challenge! Later playing the game the campaign finally got more interesting, once I figured out how the main dude was connected with this random Russian guy I was playing as. The final mission was fun, and then it ended. Just like that. It doesn't dwell on what happened.

So the only thing that's weighing this game down is its campaign. Even though the mulitplayer had only a few game modes they were so much fun, especially Rush. That is one of the best gametypes in Battlefield 3, each time you play it it's different. However I do kind of wish most maps were like Operation Metro, in the fact that each section is much different from the other. After first its a grassy field, that turns in to a metro rail, then a metro station, and finally back outside in an urban environment.

What's another reason I love the multiplayer? All the guns! I love how each of the DLC comes with new guns, that makes me keep my interest in the game. I keep coming back because I want to unlock and use all the guns. It keeps me busy and I like that. I will not buy anything from Call of Duty MW3 because I view it as not worth it. With Battlefield, I feel like the DLC is worth it to buy. Most games I will not buy DLC, the only ones I have were from, Halo, Call of Duty (Before MW3), and Battlefield 3.

So now about rating Battlefield 3, its hard because the multiplayer is the heavy focus but it has that campaign attached to it. In the end, I'd have to give about an 8. It pains me because I think it deserves much better but that campaign. Overall its a good game if your talking about multiplayer.

PS It's sad when you put the multiplayer disc as disc 1 before the campaign.

Prepare The Way For Halo 4

As we all know Halo 4 is coming out this year and I am totally excited for it. I've been a long time fan of Halo since the first game. I've have every Halo game, even Halo Wars. While Halo Wars may not have been the best game, I still enjoyed it for what its worth. Personally I'd like to discuss somethings about Halo 4. While we don't know everything about the game, I'd like to just throw my thoughts out there.

As much as I'm excited for Halo 4 there are a few things I'm a bit nervous of. One being the rank up system. Now as far as I know 343 hasn't talked much about the rankings in Halo 4. The reason I'm nervous is because of Halo Reach's ranking system. I hate it. First of everyone can rank up whether they helped the team or not. Whether they went 1 and 20 or if they went 20 and 3. I don't like this Call Of Duty like rankings because it doesn't show how good you are. It just shows how much time you've played the game. So when you're in a lobby you look at the other players and you have no idea what you're up against. I've played Inheritors that suck and there is no way of telling what you're in for. That's why I liked Halo 2 and Halo 3's ranking systems better. (Even though Halo 3 had its flaws) I like the idea of giving someone a number to gauge how good they are compared to you. Plus you feel more accomplished when you get your 45 unlike when you get to Hero in Halo Reach. For me, I already knew I'd get it just as long as I played. But when getting to 45, (again Halo 3 had its flaws) took forever and I wasn't not even sure I was going to get it. But that one day was very exciting. Halo Reach's rank up system is just boring, once you get to the higher levels you have nothing to really work for. It's not even a challenge to rank up in Reach like it was in Halo 2 or 3.

Now My idea for a rank up system would be a combination of Halo 2, Halo 3, and Reach. I think there should be a number system that takes into account your wins, or even kills, wins, loses, deaths, medals etc, and gives you a number. Now there would be 2 ways of ranking up. Say if you play ranked, (which is where you'd get the number) for each win (however its calculated) you get a number and you go up the ranking system chart, like general, general grade 1, but if you play social you get experience points (More like Halo 3). Now you could ranking up just by playing social but it would take longer than if you played rank. So you could either have a level 50 and be a general, or you could have like 1000 experience points and be a general (Just an example). This would make the rankings system matter unlike in Halo Reach. I was only interested in ranking up when in order to unlock things but now its just whatever. So for Halo 4 I'd hope there would be more an incentive to rank up such as armors, and skins to unlock throughout the ranks.

A the highest level should be special and I believe not everyone should be able to get it. So maybe the very last level should be only unlocked by rank. I never got to a 50 in halo 3 but that means I didn't try many many many times. In the end its not the most important thing in life because its just a game. While I didn't get it wasn't the end of the world.

As for armor, it looks like 343 has done a great job at making the armors look different. With the added skins and more colors you will be able to customize your character any way you want it (Journey moment right there). But I think unlocking armor should not only be just from ranking up. It should be from getting achievements or beating the campaign on legendary. It should be a mix so when you get that special armor you feel accomplished.

As far as a in game currency, I don't really care. It's probably going to be in it so in that case I'll talk about it. I think currency should be different from experience points, unlike in Reach. You should get the mula by a few different ways. You should get a winning bonus, a game completion bonus, slot machine is fine to rake in the dough, and finally money based on your score, medals, and kills. So you'd use the money to purchase skins, armor, weapon skins, and any other thing they might throw in there.

Next is armor abilities, sprint is a GREAT addition to Halo. I think it's fine, what isn't fine is armor lock. I think armor lock is the WORST thing to happen in halo. I could rant about it but it's not going to be in Halo 4 (As far as I know). It looks like these new abilities are even. I'm not sure about Promethean Vision, but I think it will be balanced enough. It looks like the meter is drained pretty fast and it pulses once so you the people near you for a short time. I don't know how I feel about it, I'd just have to play the game and find out. It looks like something I'd use. The thruster looks cool, and the shield is a much better alternitive than armor lock. I don't know of any other armor abilities at this time but I looks even.

My last concern about Halo 4 is the game modes. The new ones look fun and I'd like to try them however I pray they have the older gametypes such as classic slayer. Where the points are only determined by kills not by kills in combination with medals. Slayer is not about the points its about kills and I hope they keep that, Infinity Slayer is fine as long as there is a plain old slayer. I also wonder if there would be a mode where it's just barebones, like no armor abilities, except sprint, and invisibility and Overshield. I'd like that a lot, call me old fashion but I still love the classic way of playing Halo without all the fancy stuff. And hey, I might find that I love Infinity Slayer more than regular, you never know until you play it. So I must keep an open mind.

As far as joining the matches, I hope there are two modes. Ranked and Social, Ranked should be, you find players and its locked in, if someone leaves than no one can join in. If you quit in Ranked (Going back to the ranking system) you should not gain anything. If you quit in rank you lose any currency you might have gotten, and the experience points. If you continue to quit then it should affect your rank. I don't know how I feel if there was a Surrender thing in ranked. Such as if half you team quits you have the option of Surrendering, which ends the game and your K/D is somewhat saved. You would still gain experience and money just less. That way you don't have to fight with yourself whether to quit or not. But you would not be forced to Surrender, you could just keep on playing regardless of the lose of your team. You could end up spending your time goofing off with the other team.

With Social it should be more relaxed because it should be more for casual gamers. So I think people can quit and join as they choose but they should not join a game where one team is just about to win with one more point or 3 seconds left in the game. So have them join in up to a certain point in the game. Nothing is more frustrating than joining a game and it ends. As for quiting from a Social gametype should be less of a punishment. I would say if you quit, you'd gain from what you did in the game. However you would not get a winning bonus or maybe slot machine. So in Social you would not feel as bad quiting as you would in Ranked.

There is a lot to talk about Halo 4, but I trust 343 with making this game. I did not talk about campaign because I don't know where it could possible go. So I trust them with a good story. I just hope it has pacing, unlike Call Of Duty (which has none!) and you're not constantly hit with in your face action. That's my two cents about Campaign. I hope there is firefight because it's a little something to do from the daily grind of multiplayer, (I'd love if the flood was at least in this). Spartan Ops looks great, I can't wait to play. I'm not saying this will be the best game ever but it looks really good.

In the end whatever I may say may not even be relevant. By the looks of it the game is pretty much finished they are probably only working on little tweaks here and there. These are just my opinions, hopes, and concerns about the the game. I do this only because I care, I love Halo and I want it to prosper. I trusted 343 when I first heard about Halo 4 and I will continue to trust them to make a great game. Whatever happens, I'm sure Halo 4 will turn out just fine even if my hopes aren't met; because in life, you don't always get what you want.