I may not be the biggest fan of the series but I have enjoy a few of their games. I briefly played some of the FFs on SNES, but not enough to say whether its a good game or not. In modern times, FF seems to be failing, or at least in my eyes. The last game, FF13 for me was so bad I never finished it nor even gotten far into it. It seem to piss on elements that made FF great. I may have not played the legendary FF7, but but without a doubt, if they remade it I would most certainly play it.
FF10 was my first real, FF experience. Overal the game was great. Long hours of playing, interesting characters, classic RPG battles, exploration, the list goes on and on. It wasn't a prefect game seeing as the voice acting was.. eh cheesey at times, the story kinda got weird enough to the point I didn't fully like the outcome, and the final boss was pathetic. The game had challenges, so it wasn't a walk in the park. There were several times, I lost to certain bosses and had to back off and level up. By the way the leveling up system was pretty cool. I'd give this game a solid 8.
The next real FF experience was FF12. I see a lot of dislike for this game, but I personally enjoyed it. What I really liked was the different combat system. It wasn't like the generic RPG where you'd be walking and then cut to a battle scene without seeing the monster. This time you saw the monster and could engage or run for your life. The targeting system was interesting, the you could give commands or control how your allies acted, and you could only use one character at a time. This game had all that FF10 had with out bad voice acting and the story didn't get wonky. Story wasn't special, but it was enjoyable and didn't make me wish something else happened. I'd probably give this an actual 9.
Along with FF, I'd like to mention I fully enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. I almost refuse to play the spin-off because they company would rather make them instead of making Kingdom Hearts 3, or at least until now.
Played FF13 was awefull. First off, right from the beginning you're thrown into the action. Its like we missed the opening scene and we are half through the game. I was lost, and remained lost for the duration of my playing time. The level design goes against every other FF before it. ITS A STRAIGHT LINE!!! This was more linear then Call of Duty! And at least COD doesn't let you walk in a straight line!!!! There was no exploration, except to open a chest with was two steps off course. The combat was um... ok, anyway Hope, was a **** I just wish this **** would die! In all of video games, I think I hated him the most. I can't really think of a game character I hated, aside from him... screw him.
So I didn't really get all that far in the game. I hated the characters, lost in the story, oddball terms I never fully grasped, horrific level design (Maybe it got better), no exploration, beautiful graphics, and some kind of combat system. Graphics don't not save a game. FF13 had awesome graphics for FF and it was all shine. FF13 = 3.
Next I have FF7 Crisis Core. While I may not know everything about FF7, I knew enough. This is probably my favorite FF game ever! Loved the characters, loved the villians, loved the story, and it was fun. To be honest I can't remember a bad thing about it. FF7 CC = 10, but its probably more fitting to be 9.
So now here we are. I may not have been a full experienced FF player, but I know what makes a good game. Square Enix, appearently was hurting for cash, and my responce was simple to this solution. Remake FF7 just with better graphics, and give us KH3!!! You money problems would be over. Remaking FF7 would bring all the old fans back, bring in new fans, and bring in people who have heard of this legendary game but never played it. Anyway, they continue to tease everyone by remaking the old classics, making a short movie for the sequal to FF7, and making games around it like Crisis Core (and I believe one other one on the PS2), and finally showing how it would look if it was on the PS3. You sir just pissed on your fans for that. Giving hope and then crushing it.
I don't know how well FF13 did for some reason they are making a sequel. We know how they end up (FFX-2). But they also were gonna do FF Versus, which looked interesting. Probably because it had a similar feel to FF7. It seems SE is trying to pull parts of 7 that were liked and fit them into the new games. Come on, Lightning, Cloud? Just remake the game and move on with your lives.
I maybe a noob to FF, but I did like some of their games. And now, I really don't know if I want to continue to buy them if they continue the route set forth by FF13.