I know this has probably been done to death but I still want to put in my 2 cents. Before I get into this, this is more of a rant around MS and the Xbox One not about what the console has to offer or what it does.
Coming into the next console round I already wasn't jumping up for the next consoles, at the beginning it was mainly because my PS3 and Xbox 360 still have a pretty good life. I love playing them, more so the Xbox 360, and I am still getting games for them. Recently I began a used game spree with buying games I never got to play that I've always wanted too; such as AC, AC2, Bioshock, Red Dead, and a few others. So when I heard the new consoles were coming out, i was like, "But i'm happy with these consoles". So right off the bat I was somewhat a little put off; but still being a gamer I was still interested in seeing that these new beasts do.
Now I used to be a PlayStation person, I loved my PS1 and PS2. The only reason I got an Xbox was Halo. It wasn't until Xbox 360 that I really switched. So now I'm more on the xbox side of things. Upon the info of the xbox one there came a cluster of rumors. This is where I think the downfall began. (I going to focus really only on xbox) With the rumors of DRM, no used games, and no backwards compatibility festering on the internet it seriously damaged my even interest in the new xbox. The fact that MS let these rumors continue didn't help them regardless of them simply waiting till the reveal. With Orth's words "DEAL WITH IT" did not by any means help my decide for the xbox. In fact he furthered me from xbox especially with the talk of DRM.
Because MS didn't disprove or really confront the rumors it hurt my interest. While the rumors may not be true, they were probably spawned with a grain of truth. Why did these come out in the first place? There must be some truth behind it even if it was blown out of proportion. Anyway I think it was bad move on MS to just by pass these even though I understand why (because they were waiting for the reveal) it still hurt them.
So my interest is damaged in even buying a new xbox simply by rumors that were either early on were true or had some truth to them. But I wanted to still see what MS had to offer, I kept the rumors in the back of my mind and still was a least interested in seeing the console and seeing the truth about the rumors.
Now the reveal. They introduced some cool features to the xbox but it wasn't enough for me to get interested. They didn't really attack these killer rumors that much and made more controversy with the fact they didn't focus on gaming. Not games, Gaming in general. I'm fine with the fact that E3 is around the corner and they didn't really going into what games would be on it; but they focused so much on TV. They are trying to make Xbox (A game console) relevant for everyone. They are trying to appeal to everyone. In doing so it felt like gaming was now secondary to a game console. They pushed aside the gamer to make more room for everyone else. So gamers (The reason xbox was popular in the first place) i guess felt like this GAMING Console wasn't focused for them.
But the reveal while it did show the tech and what it does and the interface did little to address these festering rumors. It was kind of sloppy actually. There are several different ideas about used games and DRM, which are important topics to console gamers. The fact that we still don't know how certain things are going to work after the reveal is further pushing me away from xbox. They need to confront these rumors NOW. They need to answer some of the other questions that they kind of avoided. Give us a certain answer.
Now I know you shouldn't really believe rumors because they can hurt but when you go to the source and they kind of dodge the question then that add fuel to the fire. If they want to help the fan base come clean about everything and give defiant answers unlike the IRS.