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Xbox One Rant Part 2: Wish List

Now that I've talked about the rumors lets attack why, I'm also loosing interest in the xbox one.


There were 3 things I wanted out of this new console.  If I had gotten these 3 things I would have pretty much been sold for the the Xbox One.  Here they are:


Backwards Compatibility

Play Used Game (Play for free and lend/barrow games from friends without problems)

Now, as of right now, that I know of.  There is no backwards compatibility, we don't know how used games work (but we know MS wants to kill the business) and there is (as it seems) a form of DRM.

First lets attack backwards compatibility, basicly I want it to play my 360 games and games I've bought online.  With the xbox all in one I can't do that.  So now my 360 games will last as long as my 360.  I don't like that because I'm am not certain the life of my 360.  I've spent 10 years with it.  I had the original then it died, got it fixed, still had problems and it died again.  Eventually I got the black one it seems fine but I still don't trust it as much as the PS3 or even my N64 (Which still works).  If I lost my N64 I'd be sad but I haven't put the money into it like the 360.  

Now the comment "If you're backwards compatible, you're really backwards." Thank you Don Mattrick, you've just insulted the way I think because you won't turn a profit by making your xbox backwards compatibile.  It's what your customers want, make your customers happy by giving what they want.  If a guy walks into a fruit maket and wants a apple and you give him an orange I don't think he'll be happy.  This is mainly about doing the right thing, I know you have the tech to do it.  

And what is with this crap 5% people only play older games?  You limited our use of xbox games in the first place!  I mean, I generally don't play xbox games because one I had very few, Halo, Halo 2, Battlefront, Battlefront 2, King Kong, and Ghost Recon 2 thats it.  Halo got redone and i'll still play Battlefront and Halo 2 once in awhile.  But xbox wasn't my favorite, PS2 was.  But now that I've collected games for 10 years I've a bigger collection for the 360 than I did for xbox.  So this is a big issue for me, plus you can't transfer stuff you bought online?  Really MS?  Really?

DRM is also a huge issue.  After see the disaster called Sim City really showed one problem with DRM.  Now, we aren't 100% on what they want to do.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I get they're trying to do is, do route checks through the internet to see if you actually own the game.  So when I buy a bed the Bed company should do route checks in my house to see if I actually own my bed?  You say you want to kill piracy but it also seems like you want to control how we game.  That is something I am not ok with.  I still think we need more information about this right now.  

Now playing used games was also huge for me.  Most games I buy are new, but I will occationally buy older used game because their cheaper then buying new usually.  I like sharing games with my friends and barrowing from them.  Now it seems like MS is on board with this; however there is ideas boucing around of how to make this work.  But in all honesty just make it like the 360.  It makes it easier and stop trying screw over your customers.  If you add a price it will come back to haunt us.       

So no backwards compatibility, some DRM, and used games are up in the air.  I seriously hope they are listening to gamers.  Part of me want it to fail out some anger but it still hard to make up my mind.  I'm pretty certain my gaming days are numbered.