Me and my friend Jono did a dead island riptide playthrough and a lord of the rings war of the north in a 24hr session, would reccommend both, easy trophies too get aswell if your into trophy boosting.
A few times like last night my friend was playing dead island with me and we were both driving head on and i couldnt help or resit playing chicken with him resulting in both cars getting minor dents, very disappointing tbh. I also cook granades and rush opponents (more funny if its on the final kill cam, people are just like, wtf did you do that for?)
Im getting both perhaps, I just got battlefield 2 cheap so going to give the series a try. Ive always enjoyed the Call of duty stories as of late so i guess thats why i may have missed BF games
I felt the same, it got to the point where i couldnt be bothered to play anything. Then i got a ps3 6weeks ago and things changed as the majority of my close friends own and play it online, plus my best friends into the same style games so we bounce off each other and buy/rent a new game to play with each other.
yeah its good with friends, random people however isnt quite the same. plus some have played awhile can be completejerks acting like they are spec ops in real life, whereas more likely they are basement dwelling teens munching pop tarts. But if you can get it cheap its definately worth playing. s.v.e.r always win but i went for raven as they seem to have a better community and communication for clan members within that group.
Thats just wrong man,Im surprised theres not a mini mario robbing the mushrooms growing from under your armpits yet. even a quick shower takes 2mins lol
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