When I realised it had been a year since I last posted here, it kind of took me by surprise. I'm a bit slack at updating blogs at the best of times, but that was kind of insane. So, after a moment of unwise spending - purely to bolster the economy in these troubled times of course (after all, JB Hi-Fi must be struggling) - I return to the world of gaming with a pile of STUFF.
After scoring a very cheap copy of de Blob for the Wii - an excellent, all-round piece of fun for those doubters of the Wii out there - the bug was back with Fallout 3 only days away from release. So naturally, I had to pick up copies of Dead Space and Bioshock (all for PS3) along with it. Who knows when I'll have time to play all of this, with my final exam for my first session of a Masters of Information Management less than a week away!
Initial impressions of Fallout 3 are pretty high, and I am yet (touch wood) to encounter any of the infamous PS3 bugs. As a big fan of Oblivion, it is very easy to pick up and play straight out of the box, but I reckon absolutely anybody will be eased into gameplay by the genius introduction of childhood to 'manhood'. When your character first emerges from the Vault, it is very much like the exit from prison in Oblivion: the world has suddenly opened up and it truly is your oyster. I've barely tipped my toe in the ocean (or Wasteland in this case), but I already feel as though I've seen enough blood to support a small clinic.
Speaking of splattering, de Blob is the most fun you can have with your pants on. Take them off if you like, because it might make it even more so. The Wii-mote does vibrate after all!