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Going Old School?

Recently, I've been playing quite a lot of games from the S/NES era, excluding Final Fantasy Tactics, which I just got a few days ago. I must say, it is indeed a great game, I knew I would enjoy it since I enjoyed Disgaea so much.

Anyways, back to the S/NES games. First of all, a big thanks to everyone who reccomended specific games for me to purchase, although it's obvious I haven't bought every game I have (truth be told, I had to emulate 2 or 3, but hey, they were Japan only, so what can you do?).


What can I say? Now I know why this era was called "the golden era", I really am enjoying these games, especially Final Fantasy I, Dragon Warrior, Kid Icarus and Adventures of Lolo.

I really don't care about the graphics, seeing as gameplay and story tend to make up for it most of the time. Here's a little list of the games I enjoyed the most, and why I enjoyed them (in no particular order):

Final Fantasy

Ah, the begining of the Final Fantasy series. How much of a good begining was it? An amazing one. This game is pretty much one of the best games I've played, but not because it's a Final Fantasy game. I love this game due to the story and the difficulty level of it. The story might seem pretty bad at first, but from where I'm at right now, I have to say it is a pretty good one. The difficulty level of the game is just unreal! The first time I played it, I was being killed by normal random encounters! I guess Square-Soft wanted gamers to be challenged...believe me, this game is probably the definition of challenge.

Kid Icarus

Need an angel to save the day? Just call on Pit!

Kid Icarus is an extremely entertaining game, forcing you to concentrate on every area around you, seeing as enemies can come from any direction, maybe even forcing you to a miscalculated jump and fall off-screen. Definitely reccomended to anyone who's a fan of platformer games, and especially if you just like to kick some enemy but with sexy angel arrows!

Final Fantasy III

First of all, yes, I DID use an emulator to get this game, but hey, it's Japanese only, and I can't turn down a Final Fantasy game!

I must say, though, this has easily surpassed most games that I considered to be the best in the Final Fantasy series, all because of the amazing storyline, interesting characters and even the music, especially the boss battle theme. Square also made a good job with bringing the job classes back, and the huge range of jobs you can choose from makes playing it all the better.

They even have sly boss battles that you can't actually win, but have to do something special for, even if it takes a while to figure out.
(The box art isn't official, but I thought it looked to good to pass up)

Well, that wraps it up for the NES section of this blog, even though there are a lot more NES games I like, those 3 are the ones that mostly stand out in my eyes.


The SNES era, eh? Well, even though I haven't played that many games, I can still judge that this era was also a golden one.

Graphics have improved, and so has the music, and I must say, the music for most of the SNES games I have played is just exceptional. I guess I'll give a list of some SNES games I enjoyed and why (also in no particukar order):

Chrono Trigger

Ah, Chrono Trigger, isn't it just great? It combines a great story, great characters, great music and even great graphics. I couldn't get enough of this game, and the side-quests just made it last even longer.
Acquiring every technique is also a task that I found addicting, seeing as you had to learn specific techniques to learn the different Double and Triple techs.

The replay value of this game is also very high, seeing as there are around 10 - 15 different endings.

Tales of Phantasia

Hmm..wha? What do you want? I'm trying to play Tales of Phantasia, here! ...oh yeah, sorry, I forgot.

Tales of Phantasia, unfortunately, was only ever released in Japan, meaning that I emulated it. But, it was worth it, seeing as this definitely one of the best RPG's I have ever played. The story is so memorable, as well as the characters.

I loved the battle system in this game, as it was similar to that of Star Ocean's with only a few changes. Battles would be either difficult or hard depending on how they were entered. The best way to try and win a battle is by backing your opponents into a corner, but expect that to fail against most bosses and end up dead yourself.

Secret of Mana

Secret of Mana began the Mana series, and it was a very good start indeed.

What I liked about this game, apart from the usual story, characters, etc, is that your characters don't have an inital name, meaning that you have to think up your own name him/her.

What's also good about this game is how you have to level up your magic to make it stronger, and to make it even more challenging, the max you can level it up to depends on the amount of Mana Seeds you've sealed (i.e: you've sealed 5 Mana Seeds, meaning you can only level your magic up to level 5). You can level uo your magic to level 8, seeing as there are 8 Mana Seeds in total.

The way you control your characters in this game is rather complex, seeing as you need t open different menus with different button just to use an item or to use magic.

That comes to the conclusion of this blog, thank you for reading!
~ Dis