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Going To Be Taking A Week Or So Break From Gamespot

teh f00k?1 disgaemand is nt cuming on gs?!

Yes people, it's true, I, no life Dis, shall be taking a semi-break from Gamespot for a week or so. What I mean by semi-break, is that I will onl come on to make updates for The Legend of Fantasy, seeing as I do not wish to see it's standards drop because of missing out any good news, or for anyone to think it's died.

I've been losing interest in Gamespot somewhat, and I decided that a break could help regain that interest, but who knows.

What am I going to do during my break? I dunno...go out, watch some Anime, eat a lot of pie, etc. Speaking of Anime, I got somewhat addicted to Naruto, but you can't blame me, it has such a great story, and we all know that I'm a sucker for a good story.

[Begin speach on Naruto]

*Spoilers ahead, dattebayo*

Although the start of it is somewhat boring, it gets interesting after a while, especially at Episode 12, which is the start of the Zabuza and Haku arc.

Then, episode 18 came along, and boy was I surprised, you didn't expect Sasuke to die...well, supposedly die. That's when I got the feeling of sadness, and Sakura's words didn't really help either. Then, Haku got killed by sacrificing himself for Zabuza, which was sad as well.

Edit: Dammit, I forgot Haku was a boy...>_>

I think you get it, and yes, I was pretty close to sheding a tear over it, but if you saw it as well, you'll know what I mean.

Then came the end of the Chuunin exams, when the Third Hokage died, and the sad music had to play, with everyone crying...curse them, making me get sad as well! Curse them!

Anyways, yeah, I got sad over an Anime, but, don't judge me, I'm a 13 year old, ok? Ok?! :p

[End Naruto rant]

Well, I'll see you guys and gals in a week or so, dattebayo.