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Multiple Markets need their own freedoms.

When I say the names "Ninetndo" and "Capcom", what is the first emotion that comes to your mind? Loathing for one? Love for both? Wishing one would die off? Wishing both woud declare bankrupcy?

When those two company names come up, one feeling permiates my core: Frustration.

I get it, they golden age of gaming is now behind us. I understand, there is a new generation that grew up on Angry Birds and cheap or free apps that can be accessed on a smartphone. Yes these things add to my frustration, but they are not the source. Let's take a look at Why I, and others like myself, are frustrated with these two companies:

Nintendo is the company I grew up with, the company I most enjoyed, the one that effectively screwed me over for ten years, only to keep me by releasing a few games that were downright magical. But it's time to move on, Nintendo. You had a glorious past and have made some of the most memorable games of a generation, but when more people can recognize Rovio's characters over your own, it's time to rethink your strategy. Otherwise, you'll end up like Sega, or worse. I get that you're trying to do us a favor by making a console that won't take our monthly paycheck just for the core system, and we appreciate that. What we don't appreciate is the fact that no one, since the relase of the Wii U, has really been excited about developing anything for the system itself. You pride yourselves on innovation, right? Well it's time to marry that innovation you love so much with a viewpoint that isn't so narrow minded. No one is going to purchase a system or hardware if there is no games of good calibur for it. Yes, Angry Birds has it's place, and I enjoy launching the pissed off avians at verdant pigs from time to time. But I yearn for the days of the Super Nintendo, where I would be excited to get my homework done so I could watch Mario hatch another Blue Yoshi on Star Road. Now in no way am I suggesting you just focus on the glory days, I am suggesting you start making your IPs that engaging again, or, even better, make new IPs. Luigi, Mario, Link, DK, and Samus don't have to appear in every game you guys make. Don't build a game around a character, build a solid world and allow your character to traverse it. Mario Galaxy and Mario Galaxy 2 weren't great games because they were Mario games, they were great games with Mario in them.

Here are my two big suggestions:

1) Release your Virtual Console as an App for smartphones and let people download their favorite older titles on their preffered platform. You'll not only be introducing the new generation to some downright amazing games, but you'll also be making bank in doing so. I would pay $5 to download the GBA version of Super Mario World, dispite the fact that I have beaten it so many times. I'd drop $3 for Metroid: Zero Mission to play it on my iPhone or iPad.This will generate great sales revenue and provide you with the best type of advertisement out there: Word of Mouth. Stop focusing on the hardware and start understanding that you are missing a huge casual market by forcing people to purchase your elecronics.
2) Stop dictating what comes to America and what doesn't, effectively allowing NOA (Nintendo of America) to be it's own sub-publisher. If a developer wants to make a game that will go over huge in the US, don't think about how it will do in Japan. And just because it's small in Japan, doesn't mean it won't be a huge success over here. And allow NOE (Nintendo of Europe) do the same thing! NOA and NOE should be able to have free reign over what comes to their reigons based on making English (or whatever language is local to the region) demos of Japanese games and polling as to who would want to buy them. Little work, lots of specialization, massive pay.

Capcom, it's your turn. First off, stop promising and then cancelling on us. First we had a Mega Man Legends 3, then we didn't. Then we had a light version of Monster Hunter 3 released in the US (which was actually a brilliant move), only to find out that we have to wait longer for MH4. There were rumors of another Battle Network series in the works, then it just gets swept under the rug. And the newest tirade is the Maverick Hunters (FPS Mega Man) that gets killed. Like Nintendo, stop focusing on Japan only. There are many more gamers in the US and different breeds of gamers in the EU and US.

Secondly, Monster Hunter is a social game at it's core, right? More than half of the available fun on MH3 was online, and we loved it! So why are you keeping MHF from the US and EU? And why is it that you decide that one computer can only handle one controller? There are TWO USB ports, so two players should be able to fight together on one screen. Simple logic.

Thirdly, we all love/hate Cha-Cha/other helpers. They take the attention of the boss away from us so we can breathe, but in that, they are really weak and annoying. I always wondered what happened to the eggs that I stole from many of the Bosses, including the Rathian/Rathalos. Why don't we ever see baby/child/teen versions (except for the Mini Urragan, which was a great quest) of these monsters? I know you are intruding on their territiory, but protecting their young adds a whole new element of danger. What if you had to capture the kid without killing the parent? What if there were rare materials that the child had that the parent didn't? What if the young attacked you on the ground as the parent flew above to rain firey hell upon you? See what I'm getting at? And why can't we hatch these monsters, raise them as our own and train them to be our helpers? That Mini Urragan could be devistating against a Royal Ludroth and a defensive tank against a Rathian.

So get your act together Nintendo and Capcom, otherwise you'll end up like Sega, producing crappy versions of their old IP (I'm looking at you, Sonic The Hedgehog) and just becoming a software company to stay afloat.

Focusing on the wrong aspect.

I have had my 3DS since March, when it was released. Overall I am happy with my purchase. I didn't really get Street Fighter IV, mostly because I didn't grow up "Hadoken"-ing my friends all the time, and I have already beaten Ocarina of Time. But it's not the games that I want to talk about, it's a portion of the software: the focus of the 3D aspect over Augmented Reality.

Now don't get me wrong, it is way cool to have 3D at my fingertips anytime I want, but even more impressive is the AR features. Imagine putting a 3DS in your pocket and syncing it with a pair of glasses or sunglasses. You could play Pac-Man in real life, save your own princess (Zelda or Peach), or play with friends in a first person shooter paintball match without the expensive gear and pain. Think of how engaging a minimal game like Elebits would be. Imagine finding hats for your Mii to don at a local Burger Joint. What if you could pull out your 3DS and use these glasses to surf the web? There are endless possibilities using AR technology. No more having to take out your GPS for directions, the arrows will be on the street for you, along with your speed and direction. And with the use of QR codes, everyone can find DLC for any game or nearly any app. Go ahead, play Angry Birds by grabbing the slingshot and aiming. Fuit ninja will make you break a sweat. The best part is, when you are done, then you were still out in the world doing things. . .

The Conundrum

Yet again we are faced with many large choices for gaming systems. Five years ago I traded up from a GBA (although I couldn't get rid of Mega Man Battle Network 3) to a large silver brick called the DS. Now I'm told that Nintendo has a new handheld system, along with Sony and their version of a 'PSP2' (dubbed NGP for now). I'll be honest, I have been looking at getting a used PSP 3K, jailbreaking it, and storing more movies than piles of useless crap in a cow field. But now I'm told that the NGP will have AR as well. I already have my 3DS paid for, but I welcome the NGP, mostly because the PSP will plummet in price and I'll have my own little movie machine for cheap.

Why Nintendo is way ahead of the curve.

Ever since the incursion of the Playstation and the Xbox, there have been those that think that Nintendo has been on it's way out. I will agree that the Gamecube years were not the height of gaming for fans of Nintendo, but nothing was wrong with the hardware, it was the lack of software that made that console slump.

But even before then, Nintendo has always been forward thinking. Thanks to this little Japanese company we have a controller that consistes of more than a joystick and button. The original NES controller is still iconic because it paved the way for more intuitive ways of controlling onscreen characters (this means you N64 boomerang). Although the Virtual Boy never made it far out of the box, the idea was firmly planted in the minds of the higher ups such as Myamoto-san. It was also Nintendo that led the touch screen gaming revolution. If I remember right the original DS (a brick in it's own right) was released way before the I-pod touch and I-phone.

Now they have a consloe that changed it all, the Wii. When the motion controls hit the market, Sony and Microsoft laughed. Now Kinect and Move are flooding the market because the Wii made movement popular in gaming. Yes, I know there was the Eye Toy for the PS2, but that worked with such a little amount of titles that it may not really count.

But the new hotness from Mario's company is the 3DS. Leave it to Nintendo to make 3D w/o the need for expensive and easily scratched glasses. Their thinking has made it possible to dream in 3D without the need to shell out $150 or more per person. And now they have a download service for old Game Boy series titles, not to mention an SD card slot for other download content. This is THE handheld console everyone should own, because we all know the PSP2 is just going to take Nintendo's idea and try and improve it. In fact, that is what Sony seems to do best; steal hardware ideas from other companies, make 'improvements', and do nothing but make funky commercials while letting others (3rd party developers) do all the hard work.

In conclusion, there is only one way to beat the wave, and that's to lead. Bravo Nintendo, Bravo.

Why RPG's need special treatment. . .

So with another year come and gone, we see what the sheep of this website have voted for. I will admit, there are some intriguing titles that pleasantly surprised me, but you know there is something wrong when some of the best games hands down are not even on the list.

I do understand that the editors and the raters of this website (it's parent and affiliates as well) have minimal time to explore the upper reaches of some of the more expansive games. No one can tell how great a game is until it is completed. But with deadlines due and impatient readers tapping their feet (myself included sometimes) it seems that there just is not enough time to check every RPG thoroughly. No one knows the joys of the after-storyline or extra-storyline adventures until they have, for themselves experienced them.

I take my example from the lack of mentioning of "Monster Hunter Tri" for the Wii. Now some who read this will think I'm a Nintendo or Capcom fanboy, and they are entitled to their opinions, but whatever system MH3 was released on doesn't matter because of the lack of enthusiasm put forth by this website. Before I picked up this game, I had no idea such a series existed. My mind was blown thanks to the openness of the worlds before me, the scream of the first boss monster, a Great Jaggi, the unrelenting fear the first time I beheld a Rathian, and the utter joy I felt when I repelled my first Jhen Moran. The raters behind the measly 8.0 most likely left the game alone once they got past LV 2 quests online and offline. There is a fair chance that they have never slayed a Ceadus or felt the sting of an Agnaktor's fiery beam.

RPGs should have more of a 'living' or 'secondary' rating if they are to be done properly. My suggestion is to do what is usually done with all games and ratings, but have three trusted raters who liked the game keep the title and play it until the apparent end. For MH3 it would stop when they come across the Alatreon (ah-la-tree-on) in battle for the first time. In Pokemon, it would come when all the non-event items have been obtained and all trainers defeated offline. Using this idea, a secondary rating will emerge, giving the readers a clearer idea of how well or horrible this game had done. That way if someone doesn't purchase the game just after release, they can read what to expect from the extra missions and how well that plays to their liking.

The Gimmicks of Gaming, and why they are our future.

Little Jimmy had never had a gaming system before, but that birthday he opened up a brand new Nintendo Entertainment System. His older brother, an Atari nut rolled his eyes at the notion of no joystick. "What a gimmick," he started to whisper to his only friend at the party. "How do they expect to move around? And why can't I see the cartridge?"

The above story may be fiction, but the fact remains that anything different to Veterans can be called a Gimmick. Hard core gamers in the early 2000s thought that putting a DVD player in a PS2 was a gimmick, but that plus the overwhelming library of games kept Sony in the runnings. Sega's 'Memory card that is a mini game machine' idea was a huge draw for fans and newcomers alike to the Dreamcast system. The controller was so innovative, which was also a 'gimmick', that Microsoft practically stole the design and made it the controller for their Xbox system. Playstation's dual stick design was also a gimmick in some circles. Anything that challenges what traditional gamers think of a right is usually put in the 'Gimmick' section.

A fine example of this is the Nintendo Wii. I personally am a proud Nintendo Fanboy, but the first time I heard that motion control was involved, I thought about changing to Xbox 360. But then a newbie to the foray of games, and friend of mine, purchased a Wii for herself. I made my first Mii and began swinging virtual golf clubs and hitting non-existant home runs. Instantly my mind exploded with game ideas (thank you Retro Studios for Metroid Prime!). I was hooked. While I started saving money for my own Wii, others were clutching to their closed minds and dual stick controllers. Sony dabbed in this 'gimmick' a bit with their six-axis controller while calling the Wii-mote a child's toy. Nowadays Wii outsells the other two consoles combined, and they both have their own gimmicks they are trying to push. Microsoft's Kinect is motion control without anything in your hands, which makes you look even stranger when you play a boxing game or whatever. It seems alright for those that don't want to purchase a Wii just for Wii Fit, but most will call it a gimmick until they try it for themselves. Nintendo's 'gimmick' worked so well for so long that Sony decided to copy it and make the 'Move'. It does the same thing, but for way more money. So call all the strange new tech gimmicky all you want, but be ready to apologize when you are wrong.

Now onto the future, the 3DS. The 'G' word has been attached to this tech because of the headaches caused by such films as 'How to Train Your Dragon' and 'Avatar' (although it's debateable weather the graphics or storyline of James Cameron's latest work was the real reason for the headache). Since true 3D technology is still very new to the world of entertainment, there are debates about it fizzling out and dying again like it did in the 50s and 60s. On the other side, the industry has duely embraced the idea. 3D TVs have started to flood the market (with each set of glasses a whopping $150) and some games have become 3D as well, but those still require glasses and there is little to no adjustment on how much 3D. Nintendo's soon to be released handheld system is a variable amalgamation (mixture for those who aren't geared toward the english language) of gimmicks. A 16:9 fully 3D top screen with an instant 3D saturation slider on the right side of the top portion (which needs no glasses), a control stick that slides, a camera that faces you and two that face outside (allowing one to take 3D pictures), and a gyroscope for movement gaming. All these gimmicks packed into one item should fail by the standards of the close-minded. But I and many others think that this is yet another leap forward.

Be a superhero, save a newbie from a crappy game. . .

Imagine, or remember a time, when you go into your faveorite game store and you see some dad that just picked up a new system. His kids may or may not be the reason, but you know by what games he is looking at that he has no idea what he is doing.

We veterans of Gaming have the chance to shape a new generation from 'casual players' to 'possible contenders'. This doesn't mean we have to be pushy about our hobby/life/reason why we are alive at the moment. It just means that if those with no knowledge keep purchasing base games that have no substance, there will continue to be a flood of games that have little right to be on the shelves. I want any reader to know now that I'm not saying that a chess game for the 360 is a worthless title, but making it ornamental or without any core that makes the game worth the purchase. Now some will argue that a great chess game hasn't graced the shelves in about 20 or so years (and I'm inclined to agree), but a horrible game is like trying to slide down a cheese grater, on your stomach.

To battle this epidemic of games that can barely call themselves such (and the horrendous number of agreeably bad games released every month), we as Veterans must help along the Noob in the quest to teach them how to shop for a great title. If they are into first or third person shooters: Halo, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and Mass Effect are all great games. Other titles that obviously try and ride the coat tails of these excellent title's success must be shunned if games are to be systematically exterminated. I had recently helped a gentleman with a black Wii under his arm look for a game in the same store where he was going to purchase the system. He actually pikced up 'The Bee Game', thinking it was from that Jerry Seinfield movie 'Bee Movie'. After a quick talk down, he replaced the game and told me who he was purchasing for. The last system he owned was a Super Nintendo, and after years of playing the same games over again, he wanted to upgrade. I showed him that 'Wii Sports Resort' was already in the package, but his kids were 9 and 14. I pulled 'Super Smash Bros Brawl', 'Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom', 'Twilight Princess', and 'New Super Mario Bros Wii'. I explained to him why these were some of the better games for the system. When asked about other genres, I did my best. After he had a pile of eight or so good to excellent titles, I showed him how to tell a bad game from a good by how the cover is set up. Now I know it's not an exact science, but I've been purchasing my own games since the 64, I know a few tricks. Finally I gave him a few sites to look up reviews (this being the first and foremost).

Because I took the time and effort, that is another blow to generic games. So next time you hit your faveorite game store make sure to do yourself a favor by killing the chance of a Noob grabbing a crappy game and feeding the monster that makes them.

What games are missing these days.

Here is a short list of the things Video Games are missing these days. These are not in order from greatest to least, but just how they come to mind.

1. The invisible storyline.

Remember Mario 64? The massively tough Sand Level and the Pyramid inside the level? Could you tell someone what the general story line was based on how you played the game? This is an excellent example of an invisible storyline. Most gamers that share my view don't really care for a ten minute intro movie to set up a game. It feels so much more rewarding to find out the story via hidden pieces of paper and partially smashed laptop screens. The Metroid Prime series is also a great example of invisible storyline. Scanning all those pieces of lore, technology, and creatures revealed some very interesting things. I didn't know that the Space Pirates had tried countless times to retrofit their higher up warriors with a morph ball until I scanned a computer in a Pirate facility.

2. A worthwhile story.

Every game needs a good story, unless it's as awesomely simplistic as the old Mario games or the Tetris series. It's time to stop thinking that everything has been done before. Ask the right people and they will gladly tell you a tale of the likes you have never heard. Granted, these people are not easy to find and are rarely social, but to have a great story you must have great minds behind it. Anyone that spends most of the day in front of a screen with a controller in their hands is familiar with letting others tell them a story. I'd personally go to a local college or university and sit in on a few Creative Writing sessions (CRW-170) and see if any story suits your fancy. All the graphics in the world won't save a weak story. Any gimmick will awe it's audience till they get used to it or something truly new comes along. But players around the world still pick up the Pokemon series games because it's 'rags to fame' storyline and the adventures therein.

3. Well thought out controls.

I understand that not all games have a bad control scheme (weather they are glitchy or not). But recently I have seen more bad control schemes than good. Nintendo has a total of 9 buttons on their Wii-mote/ nunchuck combo, Sony's PS3 controller sports 8 with out the D pad, and Microsoft has 9 including the 'home' button. But numbers aside, have you recently played a game where not all the buttons had a function (except for the Wii and Xbox 360's home buttons)? Pokemon Platinum doesn't use the L and R buttons at all, which makes one wonder what could they be used for? I always fancied the idea of assigning two pokemon to those buttons and using the L to call out one and the R to call out another instead of getting stuck with whomever is the first in your party. Respectively, a dodge button shouldn't be anything more or less. A dash button should be the same. And if you are going to make a game that sports more than one type of attack, then don't make it complicated.

Recently I purchased a copy of Wii Sports Resort and for the most part am happy with it. Although some titles like Wakeboarding and Cycling should have been left out and swapped with Volleyball and a full game of Basketball, this game has gotten me thinking about what to do in other titles since the motion controls are now more precise.

This opinion is my own and weather you agree with it or not, you must have ideas on how to improve the industry.

My brawl team.

My Brawl team is as follows:



Meta Knight

Toon Link



and Lucas.

Falco is for balance and air attacks.

Pit is for sniping and reflecting.

Meta Knight I play for air attacks and speed.

Toon Link is just plain fun to control.

Ike has power and range.

Lucario is a balanced heavy character.

Lucas is my ranged powerhouse.

This list is not made from best to worst, only what I enjoy playing. ..

The next Super Smash Brothers should include. . .

So everyone that loves the Super Smash Brothers line is generally happy with it's growth. From the blocky N64 "Super Smash Brothers" (where the tornadoes at Hyrule Castle either were fun or just plain annoying), to the amped up and clone laden "Melee" (which had some of the best levels in the series), to the new addition "Brawl" (so far the best) this series has pitted most of our favorite Nintendo characters against each other in an innovative side scrolling, and free roaming, fight to the death(no actual characters were harmed in the making or playing of these games).

The current title "Brawl" has nearly everything a Smash Bros. fan could ask for, but has some changes needing to be made. . .

The first thing is the 'trip effect'. For those unfamiliar with this useless mechanic, every once in a while (some chalk it up to pushing too many buttons at once) the character you are playing just trips and lands rear first on the ground, killing your momentum and making you vulnerable to attack. The veteran players understand if you land on one of Diddy Kong's bananas then you'll trip, but what we don't understand is why Ike would trip if we just wanted to jump. The only other way except for the natural trip and bananas to make you land on your posterior is Falco's reflective shield (Down B) hitting an enemy. Either way you go, it's just plain annoying. Seasoned fighters (unless they practice Drunken Boxing) don't just trip themselves in the middle of a brawl. And this useless mechanic does more harm than good. Many a player grunts in aggravation when they have a foe right where they want them and the game trips them. Taking out the random trip will make the game feel smooth and whisk away the aggravation associated with missing a critical strike.

Next up for change is weeding out clones completely and updating move sets. So far 36 characters are available to players on "Brawl". Some are originals from the good old N64 days, others joined in during the "Melee" years, and more than enough found their way into the series during "Brawl". There are all different types of characters. For those more straight forward, Mario is an excellent choice. For snipers there is Samus, Falco, and Pit who are excellent with projectiles. If one chooses a more powerful, but slower, character there is Ike, Bowser, King Dedede, and others like them. R.O.B. is all about timing with his air moves while Kirby is easy to play if one prefers button mashing. Nintendo has done a great job, for the most part, in weeding out clones (characters that play the same as others but are either slower and stronger or weaker and faster) in there most recent Smash Bros title. Mewtwo from Melee has been swapped with Lucario, Falco got his own set of moves that don't make him a Fox clone, Ganondorf exhibits a few moves that Captain Falcon can't touch (although they are still the same character mostly), Toon Link is faster but has a shorter reach than Link, and Roy has been taken out and replaced with Ike and his very unique move set. But not all of these changes are enough. For example: Ganondorf still plays like a very slow Captain Falcon. Taking a look at how he plays in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, one must wonder if HAL Laboratories even played Nintendo's new LOZ title. Giving Ganondorf the swords he wields in the game may not be such a bad idea. And although he is more about power than speed, Ganondorf can move quickly when Link jump slices. "Brawl's" Ganondorf plays nothing like the character he was modeled after. So either change his move set (like they did for Falco) or get rid of him. Another similar change is Toon Link. Based off the Wind Waker link from the Gamecube's Legend of Zelda, he plays like a small, fast version of the regular Link. All the same moves or similar moves make him nearly the same as his predecessor. A move set change is needed and easy, taking the possibility of cutting him from the ranks. Instead of giving him bombs, much like Link, change the down B move to mirror his timed attacks from Wind Waker. For those who have forgotten, pressing A the moment the button lights up on the screen causes link to either roll around and jump spin attack or perform the Helm Splitter move where he jumps straight at the foe's head, flips, and hits them with his sword. Either or both moves would prove very effective if Toon Link ever found himself cornered on the edge of the stage. This move would also be beneficial to Toon Link players so that they could escape without physically having to roll dodge or jump over a foe. Playing through Wind Waker more than a few times revealed a side quest move that allowed Toon Link to not only spin his sword 360 degrees horizontally, but keep on spinning for a set time before becoming incapacitated due to dizziness. This Hurricane Spin would allow players to perform a Luigi like move that could easily rack up the hit percentage. The drawback would be dizziness once the move is finished, but connecting the last blow in the move would send an opponent far enough so that Toon Link would not set himself up for defeat. Mario and Luigi both need an update since starring in "Super Mario Galaxy". Each should have the popular spin attack in their roster (maybe instead of the F.L.U.D.D. water gun on Mario's back from his Sunshine adventure). Maybe make it their no direction midair A attack. Kirby could also do with a bit of an overhaul. Although eating items is a new feature, as an old Kirby player (on the N64's original Smash Bros.) I miss the mid air side A spin move and the damage it dealt. I also loved the Kirby from "Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards" and his ability to mix powers. With a certain taunt, Kirby should be able to keep the power he just let go of and throw it at a foe, making them paralyzed long enough to suck in. Kirby players would run around, sucking in rivals just to see the crazy combinations they would get. Falco during his entrance in Subspace Emissary, Brawl's advenure mode, sports two guns that shoot slower than Fox's, but faster than his one gun during game play. This makes a Falco player wonder, why doesn't Falco use both guns? A faster yet less powerful shot would greatly help those that love to play Fox's top gunman. Maybe even Down Smash A(pulling the control stick down rapidly and holding A at the same time) should be two low burst shots, one with Falco crossing his arms and one with arms spread out.

Everyone has a list of who they would want in a Smash Bros. game. Some prefer Dragonball Z's Goku over Capcom's Mega Man(two characters rumored to be in the original Smash Bros but never were seen). Others just want more Nintendo characters to choose from and don't care much for the third party additions. If I miss a critical addition to this list, then I apologize to the fans of the yet un-inducted character.


Blaziken, another Pokemon Trainer (female) with Turtwig, Monferno, and Empoleon, Flygon, and Rotom;

Sonic Characters:

Knuckles, Tails, and Shadow

Mega Man(original) and Zero(from the GBA games);

Baby Bowser/Evil Mario from Mario Sunshine;

Promote Lyn from being an Assist Trophy to an actual character;

Louie from Pikmin 2;

Dark Samus from the Metroid Prime Trilogy;

and possibly add a character or two from F-Zero(Blood Falcon and Samurai Goroh), the Kirby games(blade night and Knuckle Joe).

Blaziken and Mega Man have had a place in my head for a while now and might need some explaining on move sets.

Blaziken: Fast and strong, but not very evasive. Very heavy on close, hand to hand combat with some projectiles. Same height and general build as Captain Falcon, but a bit more flow. Jumps very high (almost as much as Falco) and falls at a medium pace, but not really slow.

"A" moves for Blaziken (smashes and air moves):

Side A Smash; Fire punch Down A Smash; Blaze Kick Up A Smash; Fire Spin

Up A air; Slash (much like Wolf's) Down A air; Aerial Ace Side A air; Shadow Claw

"B" moves for Blaziken:

"B"; Fire Blast (charge required, burns and pushes caught target like Mario's final smash) Side "B"; Agility (warps horizontally like Fox/Falco) Up "B"; Sky Uppercut Down "B"; Will-O-Wisp

Final Smash: Overheat; Blaziken flies to the middle of the stage and powers up, then releases blasts. Foes hit with the blasts are shot off screen. Rivals dodging blasts receive massive damage from fire in between blasts.

Mega Man: Medium speed and strength, augmented when he copies a foe. Good jump height, but made more for horizontal jumping than vertical. Balanced with projectiles and close up moves. Plays slightly like Samus with his charge shot.

Although not as well though out as Blaziken, the Smash Bros series need another copy character. Grabbing a foe and throwing them down will initiate copy sequence. Mega Man throws opponent down and places his left hand on the opponent, then quickly flashes white and now has attributes the same as the opponent.

Example 1: Mega Man Copies Charizard, he turns red and sprouts Charizard's wings. His charge shot will be a huge fireball. Mega man can glide, but is very slow and powerful.

Example 2: Mega Man Copies Marth, he turns deeper blue and sword comes out of his blaster arm. He gains speed and looses power. A charge shot will be a tall, quick air slash that doesn't go far.

Items are a large topic, but for the sake of this list I will only add a few. Again I am sorry if I miss anything awesome anyone else might figure out.

Team Flag: User throws colored flag (red, green, yellow, blue), if it hits another player not on their team, they are now teamed up with you for thirty seconds and friendly fire is turned off. If no one but a team is left on screen, the win goes to the (insert color here) team.

The Trophy Gun: Used in Subspace Emissary. User has 3 shots. Black arrow projectile can be curved like Pit's arrows. If foe is hit, they turn to an assist trophy for 5 seconds, unable to control their character. Changed characters will not jump off edge and die.

The Ultra, Dusk, and Master Balls: Ultra ball catches foe and keeps them for 2 seconds before releasing. Dusk ball does same, but holds for 3 seconds. Master Ball indefinitely holds caught foe. All caught characters can be released early by player throwing Ultra, Dusk, or Master Ball and hitting a surface. If thrown off stage, you are on your own.

Final Smash Balls: Regular Smash Ball does what it usually does. White Smash ball combines Player and Partner's Final smash by allowing both to have it. White smash ball can only be knocked out if both players are hit with anything at the same time.

Finally we get to the part I have been waiting for, New Final Smashes that replace originals. Falco will fly up and get caught by his Arwing, then he'll shoot as if he is flying in a Starfox game. "A" will shoot Double Blue Lasers and "B" will let off one of his unlimited Smart Bombs. The "A" button held will make a charge shot that will follow a locked on character. Wolf will jump up onto his Wolfen and order Star Wolf to attack while he laughs maniacally. The Wolfens called will fly into nearly every crevasse like Latios/ Latias and shoot. The final will be a massive barrage of Smart Bombs dropped by Wolf before he falls back down to the stage. Sheik will have a teleporting fest with whomever gets caught in her chain that flails 360 degrees vertically. This will end with Sheik grabbing up to 2 opponents and dive bombing them into the stage. This will look kind of like Ike's Great Aether. Luigi will get the Haunted Mansion treatment and sport his Poltergueist 3000. If he sucks in a foe they are trapped in his vacuum. At the end of the run, Luigi notices the Polterguiest is going to explode and throws it to the middle of the stage. Anyone caught inside is dead and those within the blast radius are severely damaged. Cook Kirby gets overhauled into Mike Kirby. Pressing B will send let loose a push wave that will kill anyone caught when Kirby yells into a megaphone. B again will send another wave when Kirby screams into a Microphone. Finally B once more will give Kirby a multicolored Mohawk and a Microphone on a stand as he yells "Test Tone" in a deep voice. Players of Kirby Superstar Ultra will know this move. We end up at Meta Knight, whose Galaxia Darkness came up short. Instead of the cape hitting, all going dark, and quick slash; I would enjoy seeing the Red Tornado ultra move Meta Knight performs in Kirby Superstar Ultra: Metaknightmare Ultra. Essentially Meta Knight begins spinning like his regular "B" move, but it turns out to be a vertical screen wide red and orange tornado that splits into two and moves horizontally in opposite directions. Foes caught in these tornadoes will be pushed off screen. Foes dodging these tornadoes (only roll dodging will work) will be unharmed.

One last change, The story line. For any who have read or even heard of Marvel's "Civil War", that is how the Smash Bros next storyline should be. One side believes the best way to save their world it through saving as many as possible. The other side sees destruction of characters that stand in the way of peace is the best way to go. You choose from 10-15 starting characters and build a team of 5, making one the leader. Then choose "Saving by Salvation" or "Saving by Destruction". The computer will take the other side and pick 5 of it's own. For the beginning you fight the other 5. As the story progresses, you see two characters you didn't pick or un-lockable characters in battle. The fight stops when you and your team arrive. You choose a character to be and if you win you get that character, if you loose the other character joins up. Finally your very large team (nearly half of the roster) finds the shrine of your Deity (Master Hand if you chose Salvation and Crazy Hand if you chose Destruction). Then the war starts and the computer chooses a fighter to send out. You also choose someone to play as and fight until you win more fights than you lost. As a twist you find out that Crazy Hand has been using the Destruction Team to destroy the world, not save it. The Destruction and Salvation Teams unite with the Master Hand and fight off Crazy Hand, putting balance back into the world.

I know it has been a huge read, and I thank you for getting this far. Don't be afraid to mail me with ideas or comment if I missed something. Maybe Nintendo will get off their high chair and listen to what it's fans are saying. (Wii Vitality Sensor. . .pfft!)

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