First I buy your machine. Second I pay for your Gold subscription. And now your going to give me something Free that I don't want or need, Fracken Advertisements, Thanks Microshaft, thanks. I guess paying not to have AD's is out of the question.
Like all director and VP's and everything at this time of big sales. They will tell you what you want to hear just so they get more presales and bigger hype. After release you will be what lies were really told on both sides.
Yea I am getting really tired of you guys asking M$ about M$ stuff. Of course they will always say their better, even if it was crap. Reason is no one wants to be fired for saying they suck when they do. Stop publicizing the PR departments retoric we can get that anywhere. You want a story, ask the public what they think and write about that.
well that means you guys who only do multiplayer will get bored of the maps and play style before they can create a new multiplayer, game that you will get bored with any time soon. LOL
@chevelle451 Not really, Elder Scrolls will never give it free to Xbox and make PC gamers pay. so you got it all wrong, more like Xbox guys you pay both or dont play.
Lets blame the gun, lets blame games, lets blame anyone but the person who does these things. The game made me do it, my ass. The person would have pulled the trigger no matter a game or buddy or who ever was there influence.
Divedude's comments