DivineGigas Blog
Final fantsay mini game compulation on the psn store
by DivineGigas on Comments
well today in my most under read blog i am going to talk about how in squarenix games have fantastic mini games i still dust off there old ps1 and ps2 titles to play and it would be wonderfull to add thise entries in there entirty to the ps store but i think what would be far more important is a compulation containing the best of the mini games i am gonna focus on the final fantasy serise becouse i think they kick ass, anyway my list of mini games i would like to see included in some form or anther is...
BLITZBALL!!!! - god****it i cant stress this enoughf this game rocks id buy it on its own(final fantasy X)
Terra Master - (final fantasy IX)
motorcycle sword fight - i would like to sujest a minor grapics enhancement but even not ited kick ass it was so fun playing in the golden sawcer (final fantasy VII)
Submearine mini game - (final fantasy vii)
card game fromm VIII - i think itsjuswt called card game i cant remeber (final fantasy VIII)
Snow bored - (final fantasy VII)
well this is all i could come up with off the top of my head if anyone reads this put ur ideas in the comments... uhh BLITZBALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o yeah id call it the golden sawcer pack or something
more god of war 3 ideas
by DivineGigas on Comments
i thought i whould just spit out some ideas i thought whould be cool for god of war three.
so first id like too add i think a giant battle whould be awsome where u fight over a big city crushing buildings and stuff
il let u guys come up with some more for the main game but il move on to some ideas i had for challanges, becouse although i really enjoy the challanges from gow 1 and 2 under the bounus content and i think its a superb idea but it needs to be expanded on imho so here is what i propuse...
aloung side with the challanges have a duel mode witch whould pit your kratos from ur saved game agianst a seqence of boss battels, but not just the bosses from the game i think ited be really cool to do things that dont really half to do with gow like fight thor or beowulf or mabey even charecters from other games though i understand the licensing problem that arises but i just cant even comprehend the awsomeness of fighting danta(DMC serise) as a bounus boss in this duel mode or sepheroth of the redheaded lady from hevanlysword, feel free to come up with your own match ups if u want. i just think it whould be a cool mode to add as a bounus for beating the game
i have also herd rumors of possible adding multiplayer if they think it could work, and i dont think a co op would work or fightting each other would work(cuss kratos vs kratos just seems silly to me) though i was thinking ited be cool to mabey add like combo compititions inwitch one player whould go into a room with endless enemys wiel the other players observed and strung together the biggest combo possible then the other players whould try and beat it, id have it work alout like horse or whutever from the old tony hawk games. also an alternet agngle on some fun multiplayer inspired by mortal kombat are mini games im sure someone could come up with some sweet ideas, i was thinking mabey like tetris and kart raceing or mabey a test ur might type button mashing thing just some kinda of non seriouse comic relife. i personly whould like a silly kart raceing mini game where u could race kratos vs areas and zuse.
anyway thouse are just some random ideas i had... read them if u like comments whould be encurged post ur ideas or tell me im an idot i dont care... or if sony reads this mabey they wanna give me a job i donno
01-12-2008 11:42 PMReport Abuse to a Moderator
home beta key
by DivineGigas on Comments
God of war 4 part 2
by DivineGigas on Comments
well to continue onto my earlyer post of the sequal to the unrealesed greatest game of all time, anyway bare with the **** spelling to witness the unoffical awsomeness
Leval 3(midgaurd) you find your self sitting in a big green tree in a lush green vally surounded bye big white mountans with a trail leading to a big gate as you walk towards the gate it is smashed open bye a pair of mountan giants for u to fight. once you have delt with the enamy mobs you continu out of the gate to find it is a wintery mountan range.(cutaway to odin and other asir smashing the **** outta of kratos tempels and converting his poeple, and some kind of narator fraya mabey tells the progresion of what happn in greec)when u come back u fight ur way aross the mountains to this big temple of odin, inside u are attacked bye pople who claim to be thains u fight and kill them till there leader breakes through the wall carry a majic sword named Zantetsuken(reffernce to odin in ffviii not the actuall mythos but still cool) and anonces him self as beowulf the mighty come to get the Zantetsuken to kill grendal. so it terns into a mini boss battle agenst bawulf till it enters some cinnimatic kill scean with the buton pushing thing, and u jump into the air to kill him but as you do this big ****ing troll thing breakes through the wall and steps on his head, it had a bunch of arms and faces comeing out the back and its the most hidiouse ****in thing u can imagin, and u gotta fight it. after beating it down u click on the Zantetsuken to intate one of thouse bad*** sequences where u kill it and aquar a new wepon, bye stabing it in the head with the sword that is, witch explodes blowing u out the side of the mountain, ending the level
God of war 4
by DivineGigas on Comments
so with god of war three set to resolve all of the greek mythos, that whould lead most poeple to belive it is the conclusion or at least the climax to the series(meaning that they have left alout of room for pre-quills we have only sceen about a week of the 10 years he served areas,,, but im rambling) and as a huge fan of the series and a self apointed creative mindi have come up with my way to continue the series, onwared and uhh upwared? well whatever, now whould be a good time to note that i have no real assosation with the god of war or sony asosation once o ever and this is 100% fictitious and nothing more then a quick look at my imagination. thought perhapes if there where looking for a story consultatant, they should get ahold of me somehow, well im rambling agian, sorry well **** that im not sorry its MY blog. anyway onto my point, the following is a possible story progresion of god of war 4. comment if u have something intellagent to say.
Connecting 3 to 4- With my expected conclusion of god of war 3 and all the greek gods are destroyed, kratos whould probly be chillin on mount olypus alone and bored, so after some time passes and the gods of other mytos descovers that the greeks are weekend and that one mortal controls there power they decide to step in, becouse of connection made with barbarians in the previous games i think norse gods and mythos whould be a good, also i like vikings! so i ran with it.
Opining level- so id start it something like this. have kratos ontop ov olympious, have him notice a large barbarian(viking) invasion and have him get up to go do his godly thing and spread some blood shed, attacked bye some bassic enamys for the bassic totorial as he makes his way throught his new olympious. but then on his way he is stoped as odins magic spear impails him. haveing all the powers of the olympions hed pull it out and shake it off like nothing, then odin whould show up, a little back and forth kratos says something like "fool you dare challange me alon" odin says something mystic and wire some kinda epic battle ensues, when odin is starting to get beat down bye kratos awsome power he is attacked from behind by 2 Asir(norse gods) by the names of Tyr and Baulder. they distract kratos from killing odin and he fights the other two more epic battels as they fight through kratos palace u should get to see all his tropies and **** from all his victorys until they get to the spot where he was keeping the sword of olympious, then he dose some kind of crazy finnishing move on baulder he impales him with both his blades and gives his back up to tyr who manges to hit kratos in the back with the sword of olympios draining his godly powers into the sword and bringing him to near death, the ground whould then open up to pull baulder to helhyne(or just hel) and ur chains atacked to the blades u have in his chest pull u in.
Helhyne(level 2)- when kratos arives in hellhyne he finds himself alone so it starts to look for a wat out, kills some undead viking guys mabey fight a giant(norse style) till he gets to some kinda puzzle he has to figger out to open a gate,(the gate is locked so u half to get the key so u do one of the classic pushing stuff to jump on stuff to get higer to kill some stuff clime up a wall kill more stuff then u gotta kill this angery dwarf for the key, then make u way back to the door and open her up. go through and kill some non undead vikings, witch are stronger but u kill them, witch terns out to be eric the reds crew, and he gets pissed off and gets all beserk and **** gose into a mini boss battle type(eric is useing a two sided axe, kinda like darth mauls light saber but with axes, yes i know they have nothing to with history or fact i just think ited be a cool over the top wepon for kratos to take and brutaly murder the fella with.) then when erics dead and u got his big axe thing u steal his boat to progress further, on the boat u are atacked bye undead stuff crawlong over the edge, but with there fleash melted off(becouse it is some kind of blood acid water or something hard like that, so there all bone and muscal) when you get to the other side u find your self at the roots of the world tree(big tree that conected the demensions and ****) but eating the roots of this said tree is this big F***ing dragon thing called the Nidhog(witch breath fire), and itel tern into some kind of epic fight with a dragon, till eventully u cut him open go inside him and rip out what ever makes him breath fire(probly his heart or or a rune or something) you explode him with his own fire and you get to shoot fire as ur first new skill sence u lost ur god powers, u get some fodder to test ur spell on then u clime up the world tree to midgard(earth) ending the level
well becouse this is alout to right i am going to add this in multible blog post, so this is the first so comment please and stay tooned for more.
God of war 3
by DivineGigas on Comments
Fable II Ending is F**king terrible
by DivineGigas on Comments
i should get ****ing paid
by DivineGigas on Comments
Warhammer 40 000 Space Marine
by DivineGigas on Comments
Though this is 100% unconfirmed to this date to my knowlage,,, however this is still incredible, its the game that 40k fans have bein dreaming for. so assuming it dose happen im going to share my hopes for the game.
-first and formost i hope it will have a solid story, becouse there are already too meany 40k adaptations that are all kill and no tail. witch is somewhat embarising due to the high level of incredible content avilable.
-seccond i hope the have mission co-op up two 8 players, so that if u had the freinds you could have a hole squade of space marines human players.. ited be an awsome gore fest.
-my next request whould be dismemberment and over the top blood, it is after all the greatest FANTASY universe ever created. and it seemed there was a lack of it in this trailer
-my last request is bye far the most unlikely but i whould still like to see it. and thated be multiplayer not unlike starwars battlefront, where you could chose to be differnt units on differnt sides in the middle of a huge battle. thated be undescribly awsome.... but i dought it
well that sums up what i half to say, it is still unclear to me weather anyone will read this
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