God of war 3
by DivineGigas on Comments
well i am sure anyone who has ever played any of the privious god of war titles are highly enthused about its up comming sequal god of war 3! cuss &*%$ yeah i am lol. thought they have not listed meany deatails about the game so far, all i have really herd about it is it will explain why there are no more greek mythos. witch is cool bye me. that being said it leaves it to alout of speculation what the game might detail. so becouse this is MY blog im going to speculate on some of my hopes and ideas, first i whould like to mention the rumor i herd about co-op, if done right that could be *&$^EN SWEET!!! also one of the things in gow2 that they wanted to include but couldent due to time and tec and whatever was an epic battle between god kratos and the clossos at the beging. so takeing that idea i think ited be epic to play a battle like that stepin on boats and crushing buildings and the alike. also there will half to be some sort of twist to even things up becouse at the conclusion of gow 2 kratos had them hand over fist i donno how there gonna do that but im sure it will be epic. eaither way i hope god of war 3 will be chalked full of the deicide and bloodlust we crave!