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Warhammer 40 000 Space Marine

Though this is 100% unconfirmed to this date to my knowlage,,, however this is still incredible, its the game that 40k fans have bein dreaming for. so assuming it dose happen im going to share my hopes for the game.

-first and formost i hope it will have a solid story, becouse there are already too meany 40k adaptations that are all kill and no tail. witch is somewhat embarising due to the high level of incredible content avilable.

-seccond i hope the have mission co-op up two 8 players, so that if u had the freinds you could have a hole squade of space marines human players.. ited be an awsome gore fest.

-my next request whould be dismemberment and over the top blood, it is after all the greatest FANTASY universe ever created. and it seemed there was a lack of it in this trailer

-my last request is bye far the most unlikely but i whould still like to see it. and thated be multiplayer not unlike starwars battlefront, where you could chose to be differnt units on differnt sides in the middle of a huge battle. thated be undescribly awsome.... but i dought it

well that sums up what i half to say, it is still unclear to me weather anyone will read this