Gears of War 2:
Gears of War 2 will no doubt be a remembarble title in the series, with it's finally colorful graphics and one of only next gen games coming in early novemember (gears 2, resistance) with destructible enviroments. There's practically no leakage on the story as of all the next gen games so i guess i can't give a opinion on that. Multiplayer i will be honest with i do not look pleased, It's majorly overcrowded even though this is hard to believe since it's 10 people i do not like it. But other than that i see no difference besides smoke grenades detonate and the new wall sticking feature. I actually am dissapointed that the game virtually did not change much as in combat and cover techniques (not that is bad in the first) but really a small change could of been really apreciate. Another thing is i hope there is no glitches the first had so many glitches that it at times it made the game unplayable (literally the weapon switch glitch where you have no weapon is really annoying.) I'm relived to hear that host advantage is techinically gone but there will always be a host. But no word on booting people out and clan fuctions were really announced. That was my 2 cents on gears will make one on some other upcoming titles.
Video's of gears.
Campaign demo:
Multiplayer in-depth:
Multiplayer Cliff b interview:
Multiplayer Cliff b interview part 2: