by DjINDIA on Comments
Im not much on blogs and i'll probably post like once a month or more if i have anything to say. On the Zelda conflict. It would be really annoying for Twilight Princess to be released for the Revolution because i wanted my little cube to leave with a big bang. However, this damn thing might be released for the Revolution, where the graphics for its time will look like crud and for the probable price of $60. In addition, i can't understand how this game has been worked on for years and how on the top right corner, there are different gamecube buttons for insertion. I cant seem to see how that will work on the Revolution. I don't know who the hell is releasing this information, or as some call it, rumors, but its friggen pissing me off. The bottom line is . . . I can't get a Revolution yet, i can't get $$$, i want my Zelda now, now now!!!