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#1 Dnomatron
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

Back to square one. Realistically is there demand?King-Bart

Hmmmm... it's difficult to say whether there is any demand without a really big poll, but that'd have to be for each individual game. And I think a lot of the problem is that the bigger companies buy the rights to these games off the smaller companies, and then promise to make sequels. And so the little developer that comes along wanting to make a Syndicate re-make is stuck, because he simply can't afford the rights to the game off of EA.

Personally, I'd definitely buy some re-made games. Maybe not Morrowind, (I prefer Oblivion, modded out of it's eyes) but I think I would buy the classic C&C and Red Alert 2, and almost definitely Battlefield 1942. Some games would, of-course, come under question and there would only be a small demand for them. But for the bigger titles that really hit it (such as Fallout, Deus Ex etc), I would think that a lot of demand would be made and, if sold at around an expansion pack price, lots of games would be sold. Heck, some people might even want to see the original after playing the re-make and that'd just make even more revenue.

I can't see it happening, though. As I said, if a developer came along and decided he wanted to do this, he'd have to be a millionaire to begin with. And then the companies might not even sell the names to them. I guess they could come into some sort of deal, but as long as there is still room for sequels, I don't see it happening.

Realistically speaking, it is actually a good idea. They only have to improve the engine, the models and textures etc, fix bugs and add one or two things, then sell it at an expansion pack price and they've got a good amount of money coming in for a game that was made years ago. Maybe one day in the future, but unfortunately, awesome graphics seems to sell these days, and an old game looking modern just won't beat a new game looking ahead of it's time.

It's a real shame, too. Games these days have to be dumbed down for the average man, and I for one would love to go back to the days of "classics", only with updated graphics.

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#2 Dnomatron
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

They did that for half life source and that was just wack.-Origin-

Well, Half-life Source was just Valve proving that it's easy to port a Half-life game/mod over to the Source engine. And on that note, Black Mesa is looking pretty fine. Though, I suppose I can see your point; some games are just good as classics, and should stay that way. Lets not forget that nostalgia makes us think these games were the best ever. The experiment I always think to myself is: If you could go back in-time, stop yourself from playing that particular game, then wait until the current age and play it now, would you think it was any good? Even if the graphics were up to date, it'd still seem a little... old, and you wouldn't enjoy it half as much as you did back in the day.

Though, there are some games I think should be remade. Empire Earth would be my first and best contender. Why don't these companies realise that if they re-did Empire Earth, updated the graphics and added bits here and there, gave it a lot of polish, they'd have a great game on their hands? Stop making sequels and go back to what made the game brilliant in the first place!

Oh yeah, it's not Oblivion 4; it's The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion!

Edit: Oh yeah, also Syndicate and Syndicate Wars! And all the Bullfrog games(Dungeon Keeper, etc)!

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#3 Dnomatron
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StrawberryHill is probably right. From what I know, and from the Body mods I've installed, they sometimes don't come with the original files needed. Most body mods that I know of are upgrades from other body mods, but they require the first ones to begin with. Though, sometimes they're not very good at explaining that in the readme file. Some just sort of assume you know what you should download before-hand, and it's extremely irritating.

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#4 Dnomatron
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I have no idea why they take so long,,,its not exaclty like they are doing anything revolutionary.


My theory is that they have no idea where to take the story. They've been making it up as they go along. They don't know how to end it without making it stupid. So now they are stalling.

I doubt it. While it sort of does make sense that they've been making some of it up as they go, they definitely aren't stalling because they don't know how to end it.

Valve constantly push their own barriers on their own engine. Just look at the difference, graphics style, between L4D and TF2; from screen-shots you probably wouldn't even think they're on the same engine. The Source engine is a bit old now, so I guess they're trying their best to make Episode Three look as good as it possibly can and play better than any of the others.

With sequels to most games, that run on the same engine, the company tends to think: "Well, it's more of the same with slight enhancements so people will buy it." That's sort of what Episode Two was, but I think Valve didn't like that. They must've seen that their engine was getting a bit old and that while the reviews were okay, they weren't the same as Half-life 2, because it didn't do anything revolutionary. So they must've decided that they want to make it as big as Half-life 2 was. I really don't think it'll be just another sequel, I really think it'll be the best Half-life yet.

That's the thing about Valve, they constantly push and push and make everything they do the best thing they've ever done. After reading the book "Raising the Bar", that tends to be Valve's philosophy, or from how I read it, it seemed so. I reckon it'll be a finale more than worthy of the title "Half-life".

I hope so, anyway.

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#5 Dnomatron
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

My girlfriend bought me a £1000 PC for my 21st, and playing Crysis on max really is the ONLY way to play it :D

Bragging aside, I downloaded a mod called Xconfig. It's meant to improve your frame-rates at no cost to visual beauty, I think. Don't know how well it works though. Also, if you have Vista and your graphics card can use DirectX 10, disable it. I gained about 10 FPS and lost pretty much no visual detail from disabling it.

As far as hardware goes, I don't really know myself, but my ATI Radeon 4870 (and 4GB of RAM, Quad-core Intel CPU Q6600) can run it maxed out at about 20-30 FPS. That's with DirectX 9 and Vista.

Also check out the Crysis Tweak Guide. Skip to the in-game settings because it explains which settings you can reduce without really noticing on-screen, while improving frame-rates.

(By the way, if you do have a good spare amount of cash lying around, I'd say upgrade. I hated Crysis on my old PC, but playing it maxed out really changes the gaming experience.)

Hope I helped.

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#6 Dnomatron
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I love how the actual developers reply to emails. That's awesome (assuming it was actually him).DigitalExile

I know. Even if it wasn't him, it's still the thought that counts. And that's one of the reasons why I think Valve are the best gaming company in the world.

After reading "Rasing the Bar", Gabe Newell always tries to make the HL games better than the last. No doubt, with Episode Three being the last in the Half-life 2 Chapter(though not the last in the Half-life franchise...), it'll be one heck of a game.

Still makes me wonder why they're being so private with it. No-one really knows anything about Episode Three... :?

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#7 Dnomatron
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I don't think anyone (apart from Valve) know when it's coming out, although I was a little scared with how little press Episode Three was getting. So, I emailed Gabe Newell (co-found of Valve) asking if the game was still in production and if progress is moving forward well. I also said that if he's trying to keep it secret and not reveal it to the press, to just tell me something like "Yes" in the reply. He replied with:

"Yes, everything's good."

I love Valve and want her babies :)

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#8 Dnomatron
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I have both TF2 and UT3, and I would definitely say go for TF2.

Valve regularly update TF2 and add lots of new weapons, maps and unlockables. I find that UT3 only entertains me for maybe one hour a week, but that's just me...

The variety of characters in TF2 and the awesome unlockables make it a sure win over UT3, as I can not see UT3 ever picking up like UT2004. Plus, there is such a big community for TF2 in comparison, and this is coming from someone who loves the UT series and really wants it to succeed.

Buy the Orange Box. It only costs a little extra and you get so much more for your money. Even if you've played through Portal or Half Life 2 on the Xbox, it's a different experience on the PC. Plus, mods like Black Mesa will keep you coming back to Half Life 2 for years to come.

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#9 Dnomatron
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

One of the finest moments in video game history:



Couldn't possibly agree more. Fantastic game, fantastic end boss, fantastic tunes and fantastic in any and every way possible. Can't wait for the new one, hopefully this year!

Though, that fight wasn't the best boss battle visually I've ever seen, but none seem to stand out for me. As someone already stated, the first boss in Painkiller is massive, and I've never got the end of Crysis so I wouldn't know.

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#10 Dnomatron
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

I dunno... I played it while my internet was down, and because I didn't have much else installed Fallout 3 was pretty much the only game I played for about 2 weeks.

But I really don't know why people say it's so great... the graphics are nice, the gameplay is cool, the story was good and immersive, the setting was good (although I absolutely hated everything being destroyed after seeing the beauty Bethesda can make in Oblivion, though they did do it well) but I wouldn't say it was a great game. Quite good, definitely, but not brilliant.

I found that once you do the main story-line, thats pretty much it. Once you've done the main game, you don't feel like going back and doing anything else. I felt that on Oblivion once you did the main story, there was still much more to do. Though, I had a great experience with Oblivion; never finished the main story as I got bored. Then one day after it'd been out for a year and a bit, I installed Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and about 50 other mods. It worked brilliantly, and I've never had so much fun on a RPG.

But Fallout 3 seemed a little... less RPG and more FPS, which is good, but it simply doesn't last as long as Oblivion did. I guess once I get my new PC I'll re-install it and be able to play with everything maxed out, although I almost did on this old rig.

It was good, just not amazing. TF2, on the other hand, I simply can't get enough of...

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