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Holy crap.

Level 30.

I don't know if there's an official point, but since I don't see a lot of people above 30, does this make me... An Elitist Prick?

Do I get to be all "I'm level 30, you ****in' n00b caeksZ!11"? Because I will. And do you know why?

Because I'm Level 30 now, *******, and that makes me elite.

Granted, I did that before.

But that doesn't matter. And do you know why?

Because I'm Level 30 now, and that makes me elite.

Oh deary-dear indeed.

O RLY Owl says: KosovoRLY?
YA RLY Owl says: SerbiaRLY!
O RLY Owl says: KosovoRLY?
YA RLY Owl says: SerbiaRLY!
O RLY Owl says: KosovoRLY?
YA RLY Owl says: SerbiaRLY!
O RLY Owl says: KosovoRLY?
YA RLY Owl says: SerbiaRLY!
Nowaii Owl says: Oh, God. You two better not be at this again.
Yeswaii Owl says: Yeah, seriously, this will only end in trouble.
O RLY Owl says: What do you mean?
YA RLY Owl says: They think we'll fight, like last time.
O RLY Owl says: Nah, I'm over that.
YA RLY Owl says: ...
O RLY OWL says: No really I am.
Nowaii Owl says: I'm leaving before this gets worse.

[Nowaii Owl has left the conversation.]

Yeswaii Owl says: Yeah me too, bye.

[Yeswaii Owl has left the conversation.]

O RLY Owl says: I'm adding USA! Okay?
O RLY Owl says: Okay fine.

[USA has been added to the conversation]

YA RLY Owl says: Wtf are you doing here!? Get lost.
USA says: lulz! phaggrot!11 kosovo shuld ttly leve u lulz!

[USA has left the conversation.]

YA RLY Owl says: What a dick, huh?
O RLY Owl says:
Nah, he's okay sometimes. Look. I... I have to go. Talk to you later, maybe?
YA RLY Owl says: No, stay, please?
O RLY Owl says: No, I have to go. Bye.

[O RLY Owl has left the conversation.]

Arrow Face and the Forty Arrows of Misery

It's like the tale of Ali Baba and the forty Theives, except here, Ali Baba is in the guise of Dr I-forgot-his-Name, and the Forty Theives are turned into arrows causing him what I can only imagine is pain and misery. I bring you this blog with a touch of humour so we can dodge an emo Valentines Day themed blog. =)

Lost is annoying sometimes. Sarah Conner Chronicles was pretty good. I was surprised by it.

I was going to talk about something else, but figured I wouldn't waste my time, seeing as no-one actually uses GameSpot anymore. -_-

Scientology [small rant]

Well, I'll skip the absurdity of a religion whose premise seems sci-fi based, was started by a sci-fi author, acts a business and only allows people to join upon submitting large amounts of money, and get right to the Anonymous "war" part of things.

Some Scientology spokesperson described "members" of Anonymous as being "cyber terrorists." There's a few things wrong with this. Firstly, Anonymous has stated that they have no members, because there is no "group" as such, nor do they have leaders. And secondly, cyber terrorism has to be carried out in a cyber environment, not in RL on streets of world cities.

Also, there was an odd tie-in there, because there was an Anonymous protestor who had a giant sign of The Laughing Man Logo. Now, I'm not saying that this does make them cyber terrorists, or hackers in any way, shape or form--but the coincidence of that was quite amusing.

Okay, so it wasn't a rant, just an observation. But for a moment there I half expected hackers to brain-hack peoples eyes so that all they could see was the Laughing Man's Logo. It would have been cool.

But, NOW I will get right down into the nitty gritty. Scientology is, for all intents and purposes, a cult. Most religions have a general mindset that you have to be kind to your "neighbour" no matter what religion he is. And most importantly, they have free membership. A cult on the other hand places superiority on it's members over anyone not a apart of it, and usually asks for large amounts of money for funding or enlightenment, or whatever the cult leader suggests they need. Religions are also deeply rooted in history. Cults spring up seemingly overnight, as least as far as history is concerned--and it has some inconcieveable explanation of life and the universe. Scientology however has some farfetched idea that an alien flew human spirits to earth on D-something planes, dumped us all in a volcano and blew it up with a hydrogen bomb.

That's all fine and dandy, except you have to be a top level member to be told that, and you have to invest a lot of money. (Luckily for us I have the power of the internet) Now, L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer--nothing fishy there until... wait, what is this? his religion features aliens and space ships? Well, I never! Furthermore, the technology featured in his little creation was stuff available (to Earth) during the 50's when he created the movement. From the "spaceships" to the hydrogen bomb.

If you were going to be a ruthless alien tyrant, wouldn't you want to use something a bit more powerful and reliable like, say a nuclear bomb? Rather than a silly old hydrogen one?

Okay, I ran out of interest. Now on to part 2.

Tom Cruise. Lol. If anyone has seem that leaked video he says that if a Scientologist is driving past a car accident, he knows he's the only person that can really do anything to help. I lol'd, because obviously Scientologists have more medical expertise than a paramedic or doctor that may be on the scene already, right? i mean they have to... they don't need medical training or a medical degree... they believe in Aliens and spaceships... this gives them... power... right? I forgot what else he was saying, but basically, everything they say is just... derangeds. I mean... they blame psychiatry on most of the modern wars of the world. I think the reason they fear it is because if they actually went to one they'd all be told they're ****in' nuts and get locked up.

Part 3

I would not have sex with a twin or clone of myself--maybe if it was a female.


/packet 1/

/file contents/

/0900/No change/

/1000/cryosleep cycle ended/

/1240/first contact made/

/1300/contacts open fire/

/1310/contacts destroyed/

Conclusion: Lunch was delicious.


/packet 2/

/file contents/

/2310/ So, you've come to deny my gravities, have you? Not at all. No. But it appears as such due to the friction and compact nature of our storage. And then you wonder. Betty. Damn that Betty. And you wonder some more. Damn Betty. Damn her to hell. And then you wonder to such a degree that you begin to think out loud. "Damn that ****ing Betty!" You realise this. And look around. People are staring. Your nerves are rattled. But you continue to think about it. Betty. Betty. Betty. Eyeing the room. Always. Never close your eyes.

Who is Betty?

You begin to mutter to yourself. Crazed rambling. Uncontrollable. Two men appraoch you. Who are you? We're here to help you. And Betty? We'll take care of her too. Betty. Betty. Betty.

Betty does not exist. I realise this now. No. You said this before and we had to bring you back. Betty has not gone yet? Betty. Betty. Betty.

Who is Betty?

Betty does not exist. I cannot see Betty. Why do they tell me Betty is here. Betty is not here. Betty is gone. Gone forever. But Betty was never there.

Who is Betty?

Betty. Betty. Betty. Damn Betty. Damn her to hell.

Conclusion: Betty must be found.


/packet 3/

/file contents/



/packet 4/

/file contents/

Code: Unknown

Conclusion: None

Notes: Subject Self-Contained

Wheee's! And Awwww's.

Whee! My case came, and it's ****ing awesome. Whee! I bought The Orange Box!

Awww. HL2 can only be played without sound.

Awww. Episode 1 crashes.

Awww. Episode 2 won't update so I can't play it.

Awww. Only Portal works properly.

Awww. The cake is a lie.

Edit: Whee! everything is fixed! Besides Episode 2...

Another year and none the wiser...

...Wiser to what you ask? I don't know. Another year of what you ask? My life. For today, the 7th of December, is my birthday. I'm never happy on my birthdays, or other days for that matter, because I never feel... accomplished. Anyway, that aside, i'm getting an awesome gaming case for my computer, which, (ironically?) will be the second most expensive part of my computer after the graphics card, which cost $220 (the case costs $180). Oh yeah, I turn 19. Yay me. The case is 540mm tall, and comes with two 250mm fans. It looks awesome. :p

Wtf is going on? (Mini-Rant)

So, I read the reveiw about UT3... and a preveiw for EndWar (which mentioned C&C3 and Battle for Middle Earth)... all all four have something in common.

Both the writers mentioned how the games had a slight "console" feel to them in certain areas, apparantly, because the game was also on a console. Okay, fair enough.


1) With the exception of the first, C&C... they've always been PC games--mainly because RTS's are best played on PCs.

2) UT has always been a PC game, because, lo and behold, FPS are best played on PC's.

So why does the console industry feel the need to piss and **** all over the Pc world just ebcause "hai we wnt it 2 u guiz r meen we make our own vershun!!11". Then thed evelopers get lazy, and instead of making a PC version of the game, they make a ****ty PC port.

Some of us who actually meet the age requirements of this site might remember the old days, where you went to a console to play a console game, and to a PC to play a PC game. Why the hell should this line be blurring?