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Day of Days (( episode 2 Band of Brothers ))

    Day of Days begins the same way Currahee ends, with C47's filled with airborne paratroopers, flying over the English Channel to drop behind enemy lines in Normandy, France. Most of the men miss the DZ (( drop zone )) i a small French town called Ste. Mere Eglise. Easy also looses their C.O., Lieutanant Meehan, because his plane is shot down.

    When Lieutanant Winters lands, he quickly prpares to fight, and very soon meets up with Hall, an able company man who Winters coached on the 506th basketball team. The 2 men head off to find the DZ, and the rest of easy company. They soon meet up with Seargent Lipton along with a few other men. Still heading towards the DZ, they find Toye, Guarnere, Malarkey and their men. Winters puts Hall and Guarnere in the front of their formation, and as they are coming towards a railway bridge, Hall halts, along with the rest of the men, because he hears a bunch of Germans coming up the road. Winters gives the orders and positions the men to ambush the Germans, and tells them to wait for his command to fire. Guarnere, who, just before they jumped, learned that his brother diead at Monte Cassino, Italy. He begins firing on the Germans before he is order to do so, to get revenge on his brothers death. The men wipe out those Germans, and continue on their way to Ste. Mere Eglise. When they get to the DZ andthe rest of the company, Winters learns that Meehan still hasnt shown up, and soon later that he is dead, and he is the new C.O.

    Winters is ordered to take easy and take out 4 German 88s that are firing onto the boys landing on Utah beach. He has them drop all their equipment, except ammo, grenades , and their weapons. He told them the attack would be a quick frontal attack which was supported by a base of fire from different positions, which were as close to the guns as possible. Winters was able to attack the Germans from several different positions, because the field was irregular in shape. The 2 machine guns which provided the base of fire were manned by Prvts. Plesha and Hendrix on one gun and Liebgott and Petty on the other. Winters told Lieutanent Compton to take Guarnere and Malarkey to get up as close to the first gun in the battery as possible, and throw grenades into the trench. Winters also sent Lipton and Ranney to put flanking fire into the enemy position. Winters led the charge staight down the hedge with Pvts. Lorraine (( sink's jeep driver )) and Popeye Wynn, and Corporal Joe Toye. Lipton said about the attack " We fought as a team without standout stars. We were like a machine. We didnt have anyone who leaped up and charged a machine gun. We knocked it out or made it withdraw by maneuver and teamwork or mortar fire. We were smart ; there werent any flashy heroics. We had learned that heroics was the way to get killed without getting the job done, and getting the job done was more important." Hall was the only death that E-company had during the attack. He was Winters' first dead man.

    WInters received the Distiguished servive cross for what he did at Brecourt Manor. Compton, Guarnere, Lorraine, and Toye got the Silver Star, and Lipton, Malarkey, Ranney, Liebgott, Hendrix,  Plesha, Petty, and Wynn got Bronze stars.