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THE HISTORY BUFF'S GUIDE TO WORLD WAR II By Thomas R. Flagel 376 Pgs, 6-in x 9-in, Illustrated, Paperback. ISBN:l-58182-442-4 $16.95. Cumberland House Publishing; 615-832-1171;

If you like easy-reading, pick-'em up and put-'em downers regarding the interesting trivia and substance of WWII, Tom Flagel's The History Buffs Guide to World War II is a must. It's amazing that a topic which has seen so much intense analysis, scrutiny and introspection after more than 60-year's examination can still yield books as cleverly conceived and written as this Buffs Guide. In it, Flagler repeats the format (and success) of his earlier The History Buffs Guide to the Civil War by breaking down significant aspects of the conflict both in regards to its principal antagonists and the deeds they perpetrated which resulted in the loss of 60-million lives in the deadliest conflict in human civilization.

Flagel's review encompasses every major battle and many that are lesser known but which had a definite bearing on the war's outcome. He points out many common misunderstandings and misconceptions while, at the same time, making us appreciate how such worldwide barbarity gave rise to some of the greatest acts of courage and sacrifice. By arranging his chapters by theme, rather than in chronological order, Flagel creates informative comparisons and unique views of such matters as the war's best commanders, worst mistakes, most decisive battles and heroes who were sometimes more than a little enigmatic. Hounding out his fascinating treatise, he recommends much that is related to the war including visiting historic sites, other books of interest, genealogy and war film studies.

The History Buffs Guide to WW2

ok that was some random review of this book i just finished reading. its a good book(unless im just an obsessed freak:oops: ) but its got a lot of stuff in it, includiong information about a museum in Ste. Mere-Eglise , France devoted to the actions of the 82nd and 101st airbone divisions in Normandy.