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Sports Games Destined for Mediocrity?

I have to say, with NHL 09s recent 9.0 rating by Gamespot and how all the users are raving about it kind of took me by surprise. I seriously half expected NHL 09 to just be "this years NHL game." But obviously this game has brought something new to the table.

So how does a perennial sports series, whatever sport it may be, stand out from all the ones before it? I've got to hand it to these producers. To me, many games of these lineages are just another version of the one before it and that condemns them to just be mediocre, I find myself assuming that Madden 09 will just be Madden 08 with updated rosters. But honestly what can you really expect?

What I'm asking is... how does a producer of one of these sports lines keep improving to keep its fanbase? The point of a sports game is to play through a simulated season as your favorite team isn't it? ... at least thats why I play. I mean don't you eventually run out of "new features" and "improved gameplay" to the point where all you can really do is polish up the menus and update the rosters? Are sports games destined to just be updated rosters and a shiny new interface for the rest of their exsistence?