Damn, now you can realise how boring I am. My titles lack originality, but eh, it's the thought that counts, or in this case, the lack of thoughts...
Another average day. I had a 3 hours PBL (problem based learning) class. It was interesting, since I managed to fully understand the material. Med school is actually easy. People don't realise this. It's ultra competitive to enter, but once you're in, you'll realise that the material is indeed easy. It sure isn't quantum mechanics and nuclear physics, so I'm all good. The only catch is the volume of material. My friends call it : drinking water out of a fire hydrant. No, that's too easy. Make it 2 fire hydrants, lol. Anyway, after the class ended, I came back to my room which is like 100 meters from the medical faculty + hospital. I ate with a friend, then we went back to the faculty to have a conference on cancer. This was definitely an interesting conference. Dr. Kinov is an incredibly funny professor, and she always puts pictures of random stuff in her powerpoints. We saw Blade, mickey mouse, and a robin hood in the presentation, lol. There were more shocking parts to the powerpoints though. People who had a half their face eaten away by cancer, people so skinny they would make the most anorexic person you've seen look like a 500 LB wrestler. Definitely something that makes you think about the amount of suffering some people endure every single day in their lives, how lucky you are to have a relatively perfect health. We really need to find a cure for stupid cancer...
After the conference, I went to the hospital to get a vaccine against influenza. Since we'll be exposed to all kinds of diseases in the upcoming months, our faculty thought it'd be a great idea to give this vaccine to most people. My arm is still a bit numb, but I'm alright. I'll fast forward from here until around 7 pm. I was having diner with 3 friends when I noticed something outside. I was looking at someone playing videogames in his room, through his window. You can't even imagine how rare gamers are in this place. So, I decided to go see the guy who was gaming, and to talk to him a little bit. 20 minutes later, I was kicking the ass of three 3rd year students in Soul Calibur 2, lol. those guys are really cool and laid back. That's the kind of people I enjoy being with. They're serious when it's time to work, and they know how to have fun (my kind of fun) when it's time to play. Anyway, I managed to meet new people today, so that's quite interesting. And a few hours later, here I am writing these very words. I have kind of slacked today, to tell you the truth. I don't have too many things to do this week, and tomorrow we don't have a class, so I'm taking it easy. I guess I still have a balance somehow, eh.
And that 's about it for today.My journal is starting to look like a short version of my everyday life. Most people don't do this in their journals though, but don't worry, if I have something important to talk about, I'll make it a subject of my journal. Thanks for taking your time to read this. Bye !
Funk, aka BlackJack :lol: